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SSF settings have become unmanageable..ugh. Please help..again...please. -.-


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What -is- it about this emulator that it won't work the way I want it? If it's not one thing it's another, and then if it isn't any things, it's things that develop spontaneously after it sort-of works for a few days. After my recent thread about the aspect ratio, I learnt tonight that SSF automatically writes an .ini for each individual game you run, which -overwrites- the main .ini for the emulator itself, including the screen settings. Why this was implemented I will never understand, but unless I can turn it off then I have bigger SSF problems than I thought. And it doesn't help to delete the individual game .ini files and then set SSF to what I want, because the game just re-writes the stupid thing the next time I run it (from Hyperspin.) It can't even be stopped by deleting the folder to which it writes, it makes a new one.

I can't seem to attempt to correct this in Hyperlaunc HQ either. Trying to do anything with the specific module settings produces 'error parsing database file for Sega Saturn, make sure the XML is well-formed.' The only solution I've read for this is to change something in HLHQ, so I need to fix this somehow. And getting a fresh copy of SSF.ahk didn't work.

I don't understand this, this emulator gives me nothing but errors and performance other than what I want, then behaves for three days and then right back to the BS. I'm not sure which one of the three settings files to alter, or how.

Games all run just fine, but this automatic settings rewriting makes me want to abandon the whole bloody system.


Sounds like you have a bad install,

-Download a new Sega Saturn.xml from here

-Put this in your C:\Hyperspin\Databases\Sega Saturn folder and overwrite the original

-Pull the latest version of Hyperlaunch using GIT.

-Replace your existing SSF Module folder with the new copy you just downloaded from GIT

-Now, to get a perfect setup for SSF...

1.) Delete your SSF emulator folder and extract a new/fresh one in it's place

2.) Start SSF, Adjust your Audio, Controller and the EZ-Settings (i set mine to 'Very High') - DO NOT TOUCH THE VIDEO SETTINGS

3.) Set all HyperlaunchHQ SSF Module settings back to thier defaults (This will already be done if you have put a new copy of the module into place as instructed above)

4.) If you want the game to be 4:3, you are done. If you want the picture to loose the aspect (to fill the screen on a widescreen monitor) Enable ONLY the Widescreen option on the HyperlaunchHQ SSF Module settings.

5.) Play.

Thats how i have always set mine up, never had any problems. Games work/display the same every time.

Does anyone know if gives to put some kind of filter in SSF?

Bilinear type, for 2D games, because the native scanline it is bad ...

Google "sweet fx" specifically one that was for Sega Saturn SSF... There might even be a thread for it around here... You can use it to emulate a CRT with scan lines. It looks pretty good.

Found it for you..



Okay, so replacing the xml solves the errors in Hyperlaunch and I can edit the specific module settings. This also takes me back to the state where I can manually delete the ini that each game writes (ugh! why do they -do- this, it's incredibly frustrating...other emulators don't do this..) and they will thereafter adhere to my screen settings from HLHQ. It's a pain in the arse, but SSF seems to be a pain in the arse and it's the only option unless Yabause gets better. Which doesn't look like it will ever happen.

Now I have a new problem though. The screen on every game I try is just a garbled mess, it looks like I'm running Saturn on an old VHS tape, massive flickering lines through the display. I don't know if this is VSync (there are windowed and fullscreen 'vsync wait' options in SSF but I don't know what these do...kind of like the 'fixed resolution' options) or what, but it is arguably even worse than only getting 3/4 of the screen coverage I was getting before.

And now since even starting this reply post, I'm back to the 'make sure the XML is well-formed' BS again after I replaced the games I added to the list. Am I not able to add game entries or something? It never broke functionality on any system before..I added a bunch of Japanese Saturn games to the xml, all of which show up in Hyperspin and all of which mount and play, what's going on with this thing? How could it cause an error in HLHQ and lock me out of editing those settings but still work in HS?


I'm thinking about it. I had an external setup of .011 Alpha R5 as well, so I could run Super Tempo (which .012 R4 will not run) and I see now that 11R5 runs Astal whereas I thought it didn't. I -shouldn't- be having all these problems with 12R4, certainly not after it -was- behaving for a while, but if it refuses to work no matter what I do then I won't have much choice but to do that or to take this into private message with an expert or two.


Your suggestion of going to 12R3 seems to have worked. Games launch first time in Hyperspin in my chosen screen settings, instead of every single game overwriting everything I wanted. I think the module was written for this exact version of SSF, so maybe that has something to do with it. I'm tempted to try 11R5 as my Hyperspin emulator just to see if Super Tempo can go back on my wheel, but then again I don't want to have to redo things if they get mucked up again.


Also, the 'make sure XML is well-formed' thing seems to have gone away; I had two entries with ampersands in the game titles and I forgot XML doesn't play nice with that. I fixed it and re-added my game entries and all is peaceful again. Hopefully it stays that way.


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