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Bosconian Cant get it working


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Hi Guy's,

I used to have this game working with mame v0.31.1.0 but cant for the life of me get it to work with any of the newer versions.

Ive downloaded v0.149 and the rom for that set. I've tried bosco, boscomd, boscomdo and boscoo2 but still get the usual message " The selected game is missing one or more required rom or chd files"

Would appreciate any help.




There are 19 in bosco. dont think thats the problem.

If i have the same rom set i dont understand why it wont work.

I was reading about the driver file for Bosconian (galaga.c) but dont know if that still applys with the newer mame versions.

Ive tried heaps of different mame versions and different rom files, but can never get it going.

Must be something simple im missing


Generally its the rom. I had a similar issue a while back with stun runner. Use something to audit that particular rom or get a complete set for a specific version. Mameui for auditting purposes can at least tell you if that one is good. Good luck.


Agree, it's probably an issue where the ROM is corrupt. Just tried it and working without issue on MAME v0.154. Here's a pic of the contents of my bosco.zip:


Also, I noticed that this ROM dump was updated 1/12/14, so you should make sure that yours is the updated version.

Hope it helps.


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