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Cant figure out how to assign a module


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I made a Japanese saturn system in Hyperlaunch Hq, to compliment my normal saturn folder. And everything looked ok at first. The files began to unzip with daemon tools, but then it wouldnt load. I then transferred over the game to my normal saturn folder and launched it there from hyperspin. And it loaded fine.

So I compared the two systems and I noticed the ssf emulator module wasnt loaded for my japanese saturn system.

How do I go about getting it to recognize the module since I cant seem to do it manually? Thanks



Hi wizshaw welcome to the forum.

What did you name your new system/ Chances are it wasn't picked up because the module will only recognise these system names. MSystem = "Sega Saturn","Sega ST-V"

So if you haven't done so already you need to add your new system name to the module under MSystem which is near the top, it may read like this. MSystem = "Sega Saturn","Sega ST-V","Sega Saturn Japan"


Hi wizshaw welcome to the forum.

What did you name your new system/ Chances are it wasn't picked up because the module will only recognise these system names. MSystem = "Sega Saturn","Sega ST-V"

So if you haven't done so already you need to add your new system name to the module under MSystem which is near the top, it may read like this. MSystem = "Sega Saturn","Sega ST-V","Sega Saturn Japan"

I named it japanese saturn. So I am presuming this is indeed the issue. Im not quite sure what you mean by Msystem though. I dont see anything called msystem?

Thank you again for your help.



You'll need to navigate to the SSF module and open the SSF.ahk in Notepad++

At the top you will see this

MEmu = SSF
MEmuV =  v0.12 beta R4
MURL = http://www.geocities.jp/mj3kj8o5/ssf/index.html
MAuthor = djvj
MVersion = 2.0.9
MCRC = D853A040
iCRC = 76F243DE
MID = 635038268924991452
MSystem = "Sega Saturn","Sega ST-V"

Add your new system name to the Msystem line so it reads

MSystem = "Sega Saturn","Sega ST-V","Japanese Saturn"

If you want go find yourself an icon, name it the same as your system and put it in the HyperlaunchHQ>Media>Icons folder

This one would need resizing




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