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Sega Model 2 Emulator Problem


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I have a problem since i have to reinstall windows due to a virus problem, i install all drivers, vcredist, directx, all i can think of but cant make sega model 2 emulator work again.

I also download the emulator form the hyperspin ftp again (there i get it originally).


all i get is that the emulator as stoped working with no details.

I use windows 7 x64

The error show up when i launch any rom.


Right just a new model2 emulator folder. I usually get that after messing with stuff. If it just started happening and you changed nothing that would be tough to figure out. I backup emu folders now before messing with stuff too just in case. Then i test with defaults and if that works move on to copying game configs back over and test again.


This emu has started crashing for me every time I try to change controller settings. Extremely frustrating. I still have a lot of games that don't have the right controller settings. I just realized that I can copy the Control files from games that I have already set up. Wohooo!!!

Poblem solved. Turn out it was my dolphinbar that crashed the emu when trying to set up analog Controls when the dolphinbar was in mode4.


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