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Need a little help with FreeDO


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I recently decided to build a new MAME machine and wanted to add 3DO to the systems list. I'm using my old external hard drive that I set up about 4 yeas ago with (what I believe is) the 1st hyperlaunch on it from years ago.

I have every system that I want running perfectly except for the 3DO. I was wondering if anyone could take a look at my logs and perhaps help me figure out my issue.

I have hyperlaunch starting up the FreeDO 2.1 Alpha emulator in hyperspin, fullscreen, and can exit with the commands, however, it won't load the ISO. It's going to the main emulator screen and saying "insert game disc"

There's obviously an error somewhere with my script and it pointing to the correct iso paths, but I can't figure it out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is driving me nuts.

Thanks, so much, in advance.

My hyperlaunch ahk:

;***********************************Pana*sonic 3DO Test2.1*******************************

else if (systemName = "Panasonic 3DO" && executable = "FreeDO.exe")



SetWorkingDir, %emuPath%

Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess

Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow

Gui, color, 0

Gui Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%,

FileDelete, %emupath%config.xml

FileCopy, %emupath%restore.xml, %emupath%config.xml

Run, "%EmuPath%%Executable%", Hide UseErrorLevel

sleep, 500

WinWait, FreeDO v.2.1 Alpha ~ FPS 60`, INTFPS 60,

IfWinNotActive, FreeDO v.2.1 Alpha ~ FPS 60`, INTFPS 60, , WinActivate, FreeDO v.2.1 Alpha ~ FPS 60`, INTFPS 60,

WinWaitActive, FreeDO v.2.1 Alpha ~ FPS 60`, INTFPS 60,


WinWait, Open,

IfWinNotActive, Open, , WinActivate, Open,

WinWaitActive, Open,

sleep, 500







send, {ENTER}

Sleep, 100

send, {F11}


send, {F9}

sleep, 2000

Gui Destroy

Process, WaitClose, %executable%

WinActivate, HyperSpin


FreeDO cfg:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!-- Generated by A... config library (ACL) v.1.5. Copyright © Grishin Maxim Leonidovich, April 2008 (http://altmer.arts-union.ru). Library is free only for free projects. -->

<!-- Used TinyXML. Original code (2.0 and earlier )copyright © 2000-2006 Lee Thomason (www.grinninglizard.com) -->



<Francy type="int" val="40000000" />



<MultyTreaded type="bool" val="false" />



<Volume type="int" val="62" />

<Velosity type="int" val="100" />

<Xchenge type="bool" val="true" />



<AspectControl type="bool" val="false" />

<VSynk type="bool" val="false" />

<HighRes type="bool" val="false" />

<Filter type="int" val="0" />



<bios type="string" val="C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\FZ10.bin" />



<iso type="string" val="C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Hyperspin\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\roms\Another World (1994)(Interplay)(EU)[!]" />



<devices type="string" val="Joy,Mouse">

<Joy type="string" val="p,a,a,vkDown,vkUp,vkRight,vkLeft,vkZ,vkX,vkC,vkEnter,vkSpace,vkD,vkA,a,a" />

<Mouse type="string" val="a,p,a,a,p,a,a,p,ml,mm,mr,vkQ,mym31,mym8,mym7,mym6,mym5,mym4,mym3,mym2,mym1,mym0,mxm31,mxm8,mxm7,mxm6,mxm5,mxm4,mxm3,mxm2,mxm1,mxm0" />




Hyperspin logo:

06:17:15 PM | HyperSpin Started

06:17:15 PM | Going FullScreen

06:17:15 PM | Checking for updates

06:17:15 PM | Update Check Complete

06:17:15 PM | Startup program: HyperSpin.exe

06:17:15 PM | Startup params not set

06:17:15 PM | Working directory: D:\Hyperspin\

06:17:15 PM | Window State: HIDDEN

06:17:15 PM | Launching HyperSpin.exe

06:17:15 PM | Command Line is HyperSpin.exe

06:17:15 PM | Playing intro video

06:17:16 PM | Error intializing joysticks

06:17:16 PM | Menu Mode is multi

06:17:16 PM | Loading Main Menu.xml

06:17:16 PM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded

06:17:17 PM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully

06:17:18 PM | Loading Panasonic 3DO.xml

06:17:18 PM | roms_only is true, checking files

06:17:18 PM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded

06:17:19 PM | Panasonic 3DO wheel loaded successfully

06:17:19 PM | Launching Game

06:17:19 PM | Using HyperLaunch

06:17:19 PM | Getting HyperLaunch path

06:17:19 PM | HyperLaunch located at HyperLaunch.exe

06:17:19 PM | Running HyperLaunch.exe

06:17:19 PM | HyperLaunch Command Line is: HyperLaunch.exe "Panasonic 3DO" "Another World (1994)(Interplay)(EU)[!]"

06:17:39 PM | Loading Main Menu.xml

06:17:39 PM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded

06:17:39 PM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully

06:17:41 PM | Exit program unavailable

06:17:41 PM | Quiting Hyperspin

06:17:41 PM | Bye!



That does look like the old HyperLaunch setup.

You may have some trouble getting help with it. It is like trying to get support for Windows 95. ;)

Most issues with the old modules have been cleared and cleaned up with RocketLauncher.



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

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I have it working, but you'd need to be using the original HL1, too. If you are I'll send you my settings so you can mirror them to yours.

I'm going to eventually rebuild mine with RL and replace what I have, I just like being a dork and figuring out the old way to do it.


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