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Commodore 64 Vice Emulator - Keyboard remapping - Need Help with this!


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Ok. Got my Commodore 64 emulator up and running. The only issue I'm having is the controls. I want to remap my keyboard controls for basic

up,down,left,right arrows and lcontrol for fire. I went into the joystick remapper to do this but then realized this is for joystick port, not keyboard.

How do you remap the keyboard for these functions? Also, what button starts the game?


Winvice - settings - Joystick settings and configure keys there for the joysticks. Then options enable Joy keys. Then many of us may Y, N and capslock (run/stop) to buttons with xpadder. Y,N will get you past trainers. Run/Stop starts many games. Good luck.

No idea on Odyssey2 unfortunately.


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