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New to the forum, found some info on google but not enough. Anyone have a suggestion on how I can call up hyperspin on my pc on display 2. I Have downloaded several programs to help but cant seem to get anywhere. I have tried display fusion, display changer 1and 2 and read someone got it working with ultramon so started messing with it, so farno luck, anyone please help? My need is to call a program or script to change when hyperspin starts and revert as it closes,so an even quick display 1 primary change with monitor 2 secondary and back.


You could switch 1 sceen off if you don't need the other screen while in Hyperspin.

its called dc64cmd

dc64cmd.exe -monitor="\\.\DISPLAY1" -detach

dc64cmd.exe -monitor="\\.\DISPLAY2" -attach


Thanks for the response, I actually found using ultramon a great way to do this. I created to profiles one with each display set as primary. Then made a hot key to designate each. Made a script in autohotkey, converted to exe, then call it in my frontend. I'm actually using pinballx and have hyperspin as an item in the wheel. It works great to play pinball tables and easily switch over to hyperspin and run all games on the backglass display and back again.


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