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Nestopia Users - Using joypad & Keyboard?


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Finally Setup the NES section of hyperspin and it plays great with a usb joypad through Nestopia.

However I could not find a way to bind keyboard keys AND the joypad keys within Nestopia.... is this possible and has anyone ever done this?

The idea is to allow the user of my hyperspin cabinet to have the choice of using either the usb controller for the nes OR use the cabinet joystick/buttons (which are essentially just keyboard commands). The input controls for Nestopia seem to only accept joypad controls or keyboard controls but does not allow you to bind multiple keys to one command.

Has anyone found a workaround for this? Is it possible to change some code in one of the nestopia files to get this to work?




I was hoping to not use a 3rd party program like that. I tried joytokey and it could have been coincidence but my system got real glitch after using it. I ended up doing a complete reformat and stated from scratch. xpadder costs $ to use, is it a stable program that's worth it?


If you're willing to learn how to use RetroArch, you can map both keyboard keys and gamepad buttons in it's interface if you use a nightly build. It has a Bind Mode input option you can first set to RetroPad and set you gamepad buttons, then switch to RetroKeyboard and map those and then they both work. And it has a Nestopia core so you'd get the same emulation quality but all the extra options RA offers.

Alternatively, if you want to go the keymapper route, AntiMicro is much like Xpadder, but free.


Thanks for the suggestions all, I'll look into another emulator....fceux looks promising, I don't know much about retroArch but keep seeing pop up on different conversations, might take a closer look at that as well.

Thanks for the input, it definatley helps!


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