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this error keeps coming up on all games and emulators!!!!!!


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08:36:20:679 | MD | INFO | +93 | WinWait - Waiting for "Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A) - Nestopia"

08:37:04:027 | MD | ERROR | +43337 | There was an error waiting for the window "Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A) - Nestopia". Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module, followed any notes in the module, and have this emulator working outside your Frontend first. Also turn off Fade to see if you are hiding your problem.

it will let me play for a min min and a half then it will stop and say this then i would leave hyper spin and the emulator will still be on my task bar ill click it and it will start the game where i let off with no problems

the emulator it asks for i cant get anymore plz anyone help

btw im a noob at this i know a lil bit but i need some assistance


08:36:20:679 | MD | INFO | +93 | WinWait - Waiting for "Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A) - Nestopia"

08:37:04:027 | MD | ERROR | +43337 | There was an error waiting for the window "Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A) - Nestopia". Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module, followed any notes in the module, and have this emulator working outside your Frontend first. Also turn off Fade to see if you are hiding your problem.

the emulator it asks for i cant get anymore plz anyone help

btw im a noob at this i know a lil bit but i need some assistance


First things first.

The error states "Also turn off Fade to see if you are hiding your problem.".

Often the game will not load and you will get a message from the emulator and Fade will hide it.

Then launch the game and see if the emulator comes up and what it looks like.




What emulator does it call for? Maybe someone can help find it? Is it asking for a newer or older one?

Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them.  :good:

And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:

how do you turn off fade and the version asking is Nestopia 1.39 in using 1.40

Ok, to turn off fade, launch HyperLaunchHQ.

On the left, click on Nintendo Entertainment System.

Then click the Settings tab on the top.

Click the Fade - General sub-tab right below it.

Change Fade In - Enabled to false and test.

Nestiopia v1.42 can be found here > http://www.emucr.com/2011/09/nestopia-unofficial-v1420.html

This link is given in the module notes.

but it does the same for all my emulators project 64 so on

For Project 64, there are also some things in the module notes that need to be set for it to work well.

Always check the module notes. ;)

This is for the Project64 v2.0.1 module:

; Notes:
; Run the emu manually and hit Ctrl+T to enter Settings. On Options, check "On loading a ROM go to full screen"
; If roms don't start automatically, enabled advanced settings, and go to the Advanced and check "Start Emulation when rom is opened?"
; I like to turn off the Rom Browser by going to Settings->Rom Selection and uncheck "Use Rom Browser" (advanced settings needs to be on to see this tab)
; If you use Esc as your exit key, it could crash the emu because it also takes the emu out of fullscreen,
; You can remove Esc as a key to change fullscreen mode in the Settings->Keyboard Shortcuts, change CPU State to Game Playing (fullscreen) then Options->Full Screen and remove Esc from Current Keys
; Suggested to use Glide64 Final plugin as your graphics plugin (it does not crash on exit): https://code.google.com/p/glidehqplusglitch64/downloads/detail?name=Glide64_Final.zip&can=2&q=

; Project64 Plugins stores their settings in the registry @ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JaboSoft\Project64 DLL or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\N64 Emulation

; Known Plugin issues:
; Video - Rice: crashes with annoying msgbox on exiting from fullscreen



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them.  :good:

And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:


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