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Bypass move joystick?!


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Is there a way to bypass the screens that pop up after attempting to load a game through hyperspin?

It says the games copywrited or there may be problems with the rom to move the joystick left to right?


Look for a version of mame that refers to "no nag". It has been compiled with code that will help you with your problem. I would refer you to the latest version of MameUIFX compiled by Jumpstile, but you don't have FTP access at your current member level. Just google "no nag" mame. Be careful to choose the version that matches your current romset. No telling what you will find on google.


What do you mean by matches current romset? sorry I'm new to this lol I was running mame 0.159 and just downloaded mameuifx 0.160 and it runs my roms fine, but now I must reconfig all the controls again right?


As time passes, MAME is perfecting the emulation of older games, even when the results aren't immediately obvious to the user. Often times the better emulation requires more data from the original game to operate. Sometimes the data was overlooked, sometimes it simply wasn't feasible to get at it (for instance, chip "decapping" is a technique that only became affordable very recently for people not working in high-end laboratories). In other cases it's much simpler: more sets of a game were dumped and it was decided to change which sets were which version.

Therefore its always a good idea to run the version of mame e.g. 0.159 with roms of that version e.g. 0.159.

Now that you are using 0.160 mame you should update your roms to 0.160.

MAME High Score Tutorial For HyperSpin    :alberteinstein:


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