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problems with Hyperspin FE music


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Hey All! Recent convert from Maximus (albeit it looks like a little later than most) and absolutely LOVE it! I am having one small issue I'm hoping someone else might have a suggestion for.

When I launch a game with HS, the ROM loads fine. However, the music from the FE (the theme music of the game I've selected) never stops. This presents not only issues with the sound (there's too damn much going on!) but also some performance issues as well. Anyone have any idea what might remedy the situation?


Thanks for the reply! I'm using this as a dedicated MAME box, so this is the only system "tested". It's almost as if Hyperspin doesn't identify that a ROM has launched. I'm a little confused about HOW I have it launching (hyperlaunch vs otherwise) but if you can give me direction, I can give it a go?

  • 2 weeks later...

I am having the same issue Mame is the only system I am using.

With me it is all games that have the same issue, Christopherhaag post stated its like hyperspin did not recognize that a game was selected to play, and the wheel in the backround is still running through all the game demos

Could it be the emulator?

Very distracting, please make it stop !

Thank you in advance


Try disabling joystick, trackball and spinner controls in HyperHQ.

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


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