Roverius Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 Hi, I would like to change the dragon's lair rom from F2 to DLE21. Somehow, if i run from hyperspin, it allways uses the default F2 rom. No mather what i change, it keeps running on F2 instead of the DLE21 I made a BAT-file with the the DLE21 settings, and that worked perfectly. So, my question is, how can i change the settings to point out to DLE21 rom Module i use: What file is used in %daphneParams% ? The reason i want to use DLE21 is because it plays the bridge scene. in the F2 version, it skips the bridgescene. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Laser Disk ;Daphne v1.0.6 ;by Shaterdsoul ;1.0 ; ;Info: Using Daphne.exe not tested with Daphneloader. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sleep, 1000 daphneParams = vldp -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -framefile frameFilePath = %romPath%%romName%%romExtension% Run, %executable% %romName% %daphneParams% "%frameFilePath%",%emuPath%, Process, WaitClose, %executable% ExitApp CloseProcess: return Thanks for any support. Regards, Roverius
rfancella Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 Hi, I will asume by this module you are using HL2. Just for grins, try changing your rom name from lair to dle21 and your framefile from lair.txt to dle21.txt. Thanks, Ron Hi, I would like to change the dragon's lair rom from F2 to DLE21. Somehow, if i run from hyperspin, it allways uses the default F2 rom. No mather what i change, it keeps running on F2 instead of the DLE21 I made a BAT-file with the the DLE21 settings, and that worked perfectly. So, my question is, how can i change the settings to point out to DLE21 rom Module i use: What file is used in %daphneParams% ? The reason i want to use DLE21 is because it plays the bridge scene. in the F2 version, it skips the bridgescene. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Laser Disk ;Daphne v1.0.6 ;by Shaterdsoul ;1.0 ; ;Info: Using Daphne.exe not tested with Daphneloader. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sleep, 1000 daphneParams = vldp -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -framefile frameFilePath = %romPath%%romName%%romExtension% Run, %executable% %romName% %daphneParams% "%frameFilePath%",%emuPath%, Process, WaitClose, %executable% ExitApp CloseProcess: return Thanks for any support. Regards, Roverius Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them. And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!
what2be Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 My DLE 2.1 works fine,if you still cant figure it out reply back and ill look into my settings. I do remember changing the rom not only in daphne loader but also in either the HL ahk for daphne or somewhere else.... Renaming the bios rom in daphne from dl to dle21 will NOT work.
rfancella Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Not the bios rom. The rom name in your database and the framefile. Rename them to dle21 and the correct game will launch. Anyway, I hacked up the module to give you some options. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Laser Disk ;Daphne v1.0.6 ;by Shaterdsoul ;1.0 ; ;Info: Using Daphne.exe not tested with Daphneloader. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- daphneParams = vldp -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -framefile custRomName = %romName% If (romName == "lair") { custRomName = "dle21" daphneParams = vldp -fastboot -noissues -blank_searches -prefer_samples -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -framefile } Else If (romName = "SomeRomName") { daphneParams = Some Params } frameFilePath = %romPath%%romName%%romExtension% Run, %executable% %custRomName% %daphneParams% "%frameFilePath%",%emuPath%, Process, WaitClose, %executable% ExitApp CloseProcess: return So if you want to customize any other games, there is a section you can edit there and add some different parameters. Hope this helps, Ron My DLE 2.1 works fine,if you still cant figure it out reply back and ill look into my settings. I do remember changing the rom not only in daphne loader but also in either the HL ahk for daphne or somewhere else.... Renaming the bios rom in daphne from dl to dle21 will NOT work. Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them. And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!
Roverius Posted April 17, 2015 Author Posted April 17, 2015 OK, got it working allready: I copied the Framefile folder from "Lair" to "DLE21" ( i kept the lair folder for further use with the F2 rom) I changed the name in the XML datafile from "lair" to "DLE21" also <game name="dle21" index="true" image="d"> <description>Dragons Lair</description> <cloneof></cloneof> <crc></crc> <manufacturer>Bally Midway</manufacturer> <year>1983</year> <genre></genre> Renamed all media files, themes, etc... to also just 1 small problem with the 1 player setting; if i set 5 lives/play, it plays unlimited lives in single player. In 2 player mode it works fine. @RFANCELLA, Yes i use (still) HL2. I haven't tried RL for now (not sure if i gona mess up things) Renaming the rom from LAIR to DLE21 is not working because it still uses the romfiles inside the ZIP file. The thing i had to do was realy point out what romfiles the game needed to use.In my Daphne folder i have a folder (also called roms) where there are unpakked romfiles. So i just unpacked the DLE21.ZIP into that rom folder. Anyway, thanks for the support/input/answers
rfancella Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Ok,The rename was just to test. If you use the module I posted, it will use the original names and just launch with the dle21 rom. You can use the module and change the names back. The other reason to use the modified module is to allow you to customize each game and how it launches.So, for example, if you want those settings for player 1, change this line: If (romName == "lair") { custRomName = "dle21" [b]daphneParams = vldp -fastboot -noissues -blank_searches -prefer_samples -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -framefile[/b] } Else If (romName = "SomeRomName") { daphneParams = Some Params } To: If (romName == "lair") { custRomName = "dle21" [b]daphneParams = vldp -fastboot -noissues -blank_searches -prefer_samples -bank 0 11011000 -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -framefile[/b] } Else If (romName = "SomeRomName") { daphneParams = Some Params } And test. This is how I got there:Open DaphneLoader.Select Dragon's Lair on the left.Hit the configure button.Select the Advanced tab. Change Display Command Line to Enabled. Now go back to the other tabs and make adjustments as you need. Hit OK. Then launch the game in DaphneLoader. So, with every setting as default, the command line is: daphne.exe dle21 vldp -framefile H:\Roms\Daphne\framefile\lair.txt -blank_searches -min_seek_delay 1000 -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -homedir G:\Emulators\Daphne -bank 0 11111000 -bank 1 00110111 -sound_buffer 2048 -x 640 -y 480 With just the number of "guys" per play changed, the command line is: daphne.exe dle21 vldp -framefile H:\Roms\Daphne\framefile\lair.txt -blank_searches -min_seek_delay 1000 -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -homedir G:\Emulators\Daphne -bank 0 11011000 -bank 1 00110111 -sound_buffer 2048 -x 640 -y 480 The difference being the -bank 0 settings. So I added that to the module for just lair. Clear as mud? Thanks,Ron PS: All of these settings and customization are easily adjustable in HyperLaunch3/RocketLauncher and HyperLaunchHQ. OK, got it working allready: I copied the Framefile folder from "Lair" to "DLE21" ( i kept the lair folder for further use with the F2 rom)I changed the name in the XML datafile from "lair" to "DLE21" also <game name="dle21" index="true" image="d"><description>Dragons Lair</description><cloneof></cloneof><crc></crc><manufacturer>Bally Midway</manufacturer><year>1983</year><genre></genre> Renamed all media files, themes, etc... to also just 1 small problem with the 1 player setting; if i set 5 lives/play, it plays unlimited lives in single player. In 2 player mode it works fine. @RFANCELLA,Yes i use (still) HL2.I haven't tried RL for now (not sure if i gona mess up things) Anyway, thanks for the support/input/answers Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them. And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!
Roverius Posted April 17, 2015 Author Posted April 17, 2015 OK, I tried the module you provided and change the name back to its original. But when i start, it seems to have some problems. Daphne log: --DAPHNE version 0.99.7 --Command line is: H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Daphne\daphne.exe dle21 vldp -fastboot -noissues -blank_searches -prefer_samples -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -framefile H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Daphne\framefile\lair.txt --CPU : GenuineIntel 3300 MHz || Mem : 4096 megs --OS : Windows XP/.NET || Video : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Unknown command line parameter: -fastboot Unknown command line parameter: -noissues Unknown command line parameter: -prefer_samples Setting screen width to 640 Setting screen height to 480 Bad command line or initialization problem (see daphne_log.txt for details). To run DAPHNE, you must specify which game to run and which laserdisc player you are using. For example, try 'daphne lair noldp' to run Dragon's Lair in testing mode.
Roverius Posted April 17, 2015 Author Posted April 17, 2015 I changed the module a bit. Seems to work now ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Laser Disk ;Daphne v1.0.6 ;by Shaterdsoul ;1.0 ; ;Info: Using Daphne.exe not tested with Daphneloader. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- daphneParams = vldp -fullscreen -x 1024 -y 768 -framefile custRomName = %romName% If (romName == "lair") { custRomName = "dle21" daphneParams = vldp -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -blank_skips -blank_searches -useoverlaysb 2 -noserversend -framefile } Else If (romName = "SomeRomName") { daphneParams = Some Params } frameFilePath = %romPath%%romName%%romExtension% Run, %executable% %custRomName% %daphneParams% "%frameFilePath%",%emuPath%, Process, WaitClose, %executable% ExitApp CloseProcess: return
rfancella Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Ahhh... Those options are in the newer version of Daphne emulator. I am running v1.0.12 I would recommend updating to the newer version. Thanks, Ron I changed the module a bit. Seems to work now ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Laser Disk ;Daphne v1.0.6 ;by Shaterdsoul ;1.0 ; ;Info: Using Daphne.exe not tested with Daphneloader. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- daphneParams = vldp -fullscreen -x 1024 -y 768 -framefile custRomName = %romName% If (romName == "lair") { custRomName = "dle21" daphneParams = vldp -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -blank_skips -blank_searches -useoverlaysb 2 -noserversend -framefile } Else If (romName = "SomeRomName") { daphneParams = Some Params } frameFilePath = %romPath%%romName%%romExtension% Run, %executable% %custRomName% %daphneParams% "%frameFilePath%",%emuPath%, Process, WaitClose, %executable% ExitApp CloseProcess: return Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them. And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!
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