Womble Posted June 9, 2015 Posted June 9, 2015 Hi everyone. I have a uge problem to run any Dos Game in Hyperspin . No matter if i use Scummvm or Dos Box . I can't make them Run in Rocketlauncher. Also they are not working in Hyperspin. Can somebody help me to find a simple way ? There are some Dos box Frontends on the Web to create a sort of Config file to start the games with the right Setup. Can i use these Config's to start a game in Rocketlauncher or Hyperspin ? I've tryed .but failed... Thanks for any answers.
Guest Posted June 9, 2015 Posted June 9, 2015 Hi everyone. I have a uge problem to run any Dos Game in Hyperspin . No matter if i use Scummvm or Dos Box . I can't make them Run in Rocketlauncher. Also they are not working in Hyperspin. Can somebody help me to find a simple way ? There are some Dos box Frontends on the Web to create a sort of Config file to start the games with the right Setup. Can i use these Config's to start a game in Rocketlauncher or Hyperspin ? I've tryed .but failed... Thanks for any answers. Give the exodos set a try. They come presetup
damageinc86 Posted June 10, 2015 Posted June 10, 2015 Either that, or manually set up the games you want in Dfend Reloaded, export all confs and profs. and set up the emulator in RL.
Womble Posted June 10, 2015 Author Posted June 10, 2015 Setup the games in RL. How ^^ ? That's my question. How do i setup a Dos game in RL the right way ? where do i have to insert the info's ... the config infos as example. A point to point example would be helpfull. I couldn't find anything about using the dosbox with Hyperlaunch,Rocketlauncher --> hyperspin. What i have done . I have scummvm and the Dosbox in my Global Section ( Emulators list) and Both Emulators are installed and can run these games. I have my Dos Games in the Rom Folder, in seperate Folders per Game. I know how to install Dos Games in Dos Box. What i dont know is the way to configurate Rocketlauncher for any game to make it Work. ^^ The games also work with one klick on the Config Icon's (outside of RL) . Dosbox starts the config script and the game is on. I dont want a new set of roms because my one is all i need (It's Uge) and it works allready, but not inside rocketlauncher and hyperspin. my dos roms are the standard roms , sometime with a setup or install , sometimes only with a "game".exe I also have a diferent type of dos game roms for ScummVM . they work in scumm. but i cant make them work in RL or Hyperspin. Could be the same problem. It's because i cant figure it out to use the right configuration of Rocketlauncher + DOS Games. my config Files look like this: [dosbox]captures=..\captures\4[autoexec]mount C "TMP_INST"mount D "E:\Hyperspin\Emulators\MS Dos\DOSBox-0.74\Roms\Alone In The Dark 2 (1994)(Interplay)"D:cd \aitd2.exeexit I made them with a little Programm called DosShell
bleasby Posted June 10, 2015 Posted June 10, 2015 If you want to use the exodos set with RocketLauncher just follow the module notes of the DosBox emulator. If you don't know where to find the notes, just read: http://www.rlauncher.com/wiki/index.php?title=RocketLauncher_Troubleshooting If you want to simply launch a executable or a bat file, just use the pclauncher module. When asking for help for RocketLauncher, POST ON THE RLAUNCHER.NET FORUMS! Also, please post your RocketLauncher.log with logging level set to troubleshooting in pastebin (set the log level in RocketLauncherUI, global system > General Settings -> RocketLauncher). Ass. Bleasby - RocketLauncher Development Team.
Womble Posted June 12, 2015 Author Posted June 12, 2015 hmm . i have the original Dos Games in German and should use an English Exodos version ? nope. That's a pain in the ass ^^ my Dos games allready work outside of Hyperspin in dosbox . why should i ? all i want to know is , how can i start them with hyperspin inside of DosBox. I cant simple start a dos Game by starting it with PClauncher. "64bit warning " aso... man. this is hard^^ PS: i Think i have the Answer ... by myself again ^^ Example Batch File: dosbox c:\dott\dott.exe -c "MOUNT C D:\DOTT" I have to create a Batch file like this for every single game. this one can be startet with Pclauncher or something else. I have to try. I also need a XML for the Game Database ... it's the same procedur like normal PCGames. andere Option Du benötigst kein Script, weder Batch, noch AutoIT oder sonst irgendetwas, um das von dir gewünschte Verhalten umzusetzen.Du öffnest mit einem Editor deiner Wahl (z.B. Notepad) die Datei "dosbox.conf", welche in deinem Installationsverzeichnis von DOSBOX liegt. Dort scrollst du (üblicherweise) ans Ende der Datei und findest dort die Sektion "autoexec". Darunter kannst du beliebige Zeilen einfügen, die beim Start der DOSBOX ausgeführt werden - also auch die Zeilen, um die entsprechenden Verzeichnisse zu mounten.
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