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Everything posted by StarControl

  1. Version 20090622


    Complete set of wheel art for the AAE Vector Arcade emulator. Some of the images are original work by me, and some of the better ones are shamelessly stolen from the many excellent MAME themes on this site. Special thanks to ogytork for the Tempest Tubes image.
  2. BBB, Have you tried the Vintage Arcade Superstore in Glendale? He's got a good selection and I bought a lot of controls for my MAME cab from him for a reasonable price. You could go pick it up yourself and save the shipping charges. http://www.vintagearcade.net/ Dazz, The trick with FuturePin is that you are going to need a beefy computer and a very beefy video card to run the simulations at full detail and high resolution. Think Radeon 4870. There's an option in FuturePin to turn on table reflections in the silver ball that takes extra graphics horsepower. I don't know if you need it, but I would make sure that the motherboard was crossfire compatible in case you needed to add a 2nd graphics card.
  3. I've been eyeing the FuturePin homebrew tables with lust and envy myself. I'm glad to see you're supporting this. I want to build a pinball machine really bad, but first I better finish the Mame cabinet, and then I need to make some more money. Like you said -- it's gonna set me back a big chunk of change and I'm already out a big chunk of change on the Mame cab with all its multiple controllers and increasingly high end PC (I want to run Future Pinball on it, too). So was this the double top secret project?
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