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Everything posted by 85vett

  1. HIGHLY recommended everyone! Mine is the Hot Rod Pinball cab. Art looks AMAZING and the best part was Josh is very easy to work with. Couple pics of the decals installed. I also highly recommend Brad for the printing.
  2. Got my bar today as well. Looks great :-)
  3. I talked to DFWArcade and he is keeping his current rate for a while. It's $20 an hour but he's giving hyperpin members a 20% discount right now. I told him you were looking for some decals and he was excited to take it on.
  4. woohoo!!!! I can't wait. I just put my decals on and this is the last part of the puzzle. Thank you.
  5. +1 on this. I am very happy with his work. Price is dependent on how long it takes as it's by the hour. When we first spoke I told him my budget and asked if we could accomidate that. He was upfront an honest and told me we could as long as things didn't get to crazy. I sent him a lot of info to start with (pics of the images I wanted to incorporate, sketches I drew with the basic layout I was looking for, and then helped with the rendering on the first version in photoshop) so I bet that helped me hit my budget.
  6. Teaser picks. I've got another hour or so to get it back together. Getting tired so will finish it up tomm and get some better picks for everyone. The printing and decals are amazing. First time doing this and no bubbles. I'm really happy with the design too.
  7. Got my decals in today. They look AMAZING! I'll get them install this weekend and take some pics. Thanks again Brad and Josh.
  8. You had to do that to me didn't you. Now I'm more than excited!!! It's hard to believe it's come to this after the rough scetches that I sent him as a start. Dazz - Yeah, Josh was great. I'm real glad you told me about him when we spoke at the Texas Pinball Festival and also glad you and him both told me about Brad. This process has gone much better than I thought it would.
  9. Great feedback. Sending an e-mail now as I need my decals printed for my cab (hot rod pinball). Brad
  10. That would be a cool feature. If I want to play something randomly I'll wait for it to spin and then play that table. You can change the lag too so that may be an option for you in the interim but I second this feature.
  11. Do you still have mine on your list? If not please add me. I need it to be 27 and 3/16ths please. You can send the invoice to my e-mail. I will PM it to you so I don't get hacked or spammed...
  12. This is disappointing to hear as I've been trying to place my order for about 3 weeks now. I'm desperate as this is the last thing I need to finish the functionality of my cab :-(
  13. I need to order a custom lock-down bar. I'm sorry if I missed it but how to I go about ordering one?
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