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Everything posted by Styphelus

  1. Version 20140116


    Nintendo Entertainment System - System Default (16:9ST)
  2. Version 20140124


    Sega Master System - Main Menu (16:9ST)
  3. Version 20140123


    Sega 32X - Main Menu (16:9ST)
  4. Real Mess with HLSL effects enabled. They are as good as the Retroarch shaders. As far as I know you can't save states if using the Mess core in Retroarch. At least you couldn't several months ago. Using real Mess solves that problem.
  5. Retroarch uses the cores from the other emulators so in 90% of cases, you are better off with Retroarch. The only systems I can think off where you would be better off without it is the Sega Saturn and Mame. I also prefer Mess for Mess systems like Colecovision, and even Atari 7800. If you want max compatibility you will need to setup 2 emulators in some cases. Retroarch as the main one and a secondary for those rare games that won't run under certain cores.
  6. Version 20140125


    Includes Source
  7. How would you go about setting up that many emulators for the N64? Would you post your setting for that system on the FTP? I've been pulling my hairs over that system.
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