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About omegaman

  • Birthday 01/14/1964

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  • HyperNewbie

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  1. I thought that might be the case after taking a second look. So, use to those old single threaded apps. Thanks for the fast reply and keeping us on our toes.
  2. I am seeing multiple hyperspin and HQ processes in task manager. It seems to happen when launching a game in hyperHQ by hitting enter. Not sure about selecting play instead.
  3. Some themes when applied in HQ are not being displayed in hyperspin. Tried clearing cache and downloading again.
  4. I was able to update without losing anything except emulator settings got wiped out.
  5. Portable option would be nice!
  6. Most of my systems were able to download media but some wouldn't for whatever reason. I am curious where the meta data for games is being pulled from which is probably the issue. Some main menu themes won't display even after downloading and clearing cache as well. Setting up emulators is working as advertised and I really like the design of the app.
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