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Everything posted by rik81

  1. The names are the exact same as i used the same roms This is an old post now... Ill have to try the new version and reportt back later
  2. Ive only got 2 systems added... Mame and Sega Model 3 - Clean installation Loadingn times are still atrocious - Gets stuck at loading wheel data for a long time.. the restt is a bit faster but not much Custom system media doesnt get added at all Pressing the hypersoin launch button from HyperHq doesnt do anything anymore I got mame to sync the overrides but when scrolling between the video themes from emumovies...half the time the new theme doesnt load Getting things to sync at all is a serious choir... I trying model 3 now after resyncing overrides... im hoping it syncs.. Uses the wheel media and and the videos (UPDATE: I didnt sync anything, wheels and media from overrides were ignored) Changing the buttons doesnt work half the time. Kicks you out like your pressing exit The softare is progressing but this cache system of giving everything a directory address in a data file, is killing the entire system. If everything has to be read.... this new version will never get off the ground as your probably talking millionso of hard directory saves. No CPU in the world will be able to read a file with millions of directories in an effecient order. This is 2 systems... Wait till you add MS Dos... Commodore 64... Playstation 2, Playstation 1... Or anything with a lot of games... Your talking TONS of files that all have to have a directory entry in a data base. Coding in one thing... but has anybody from the forums actually setup a system with 100 different wheels and confirmed that its working? I dont think anybody has....
  3. 2.0.34 - Hyperspin Core 1.1.0 - Hyperspin Core essentials
  4. From what I can see... there are large problems with the Cache as well as other things. (It actually worked better in previous iterations... I think) THings seem to work in HyperHQ... but when transfering over to hyperspin. Nothing is being transferred over the way it should.. 1. Full screen videos arent working for anything 2. Wheels sometimes work... 3. The video in mame sometimes doesnt match the border. Not all the time though. 4. The boxart is getting stuck behind the wheels... not all the time though. 5. Ive only added 3 systems. Your version of mame, which seems to have better overrides but still not 100 perccent. My version of mame for testing to compare. And Atari 7800. MAME - My version - No overrides work... Meaning no media at all. MAME - Your Version - Some of the overrides work. Wheel overrides are ignored but show up in HyperHQ, your wheels with the weird codes show up though, Videos do seem to work. Themes dont work at all. Theyre just ignored. Atari 7800 - Wheel overrides seem to work. Main menu - Wheel overrides seem to work... I think... But not working for your version of mame. Ive renamed mame to "Arcade (MAME)" Theme Menu - Atari 7800 seems to work... Both mames dont Also the loading... for only 3 systems is getting quite long.. takes like 5 mins for the loading to complete when hyperspin is loaded. Also the media syncs also take a minute. And this is for 3 systems... Imagine adding a 100 or more....
  5. The improvements are massive! Testing out the custom system.. Added mame. Cause I already have my own set. Added the emumovies movies and logo set to overrides. Nothing is being added to Hyperspin. You can see it however in HyperHQ. I went into the settings and validated both regular and override tabs. But nothing got nothing but a grey wheel in hyperspin.
  6. You probably added the roms accidently
  7. Emulators get stuck... Mame wont unpack when adding mame to the setup either.
  8. 1. Adding MAME Emulator is stuck. Wouldnt unpack Mame. (I clicked the settings tab and it kicked me back to the system menu) 2. Then I decided to add a custom emulator. Which was mame... and it hung on the Emulator screen after trying to choose/create an emulator. (Just the blue background) Also version 45... Took an hour to install. It would slowly go up 1 percent. (I think this was fixed as when it was done it asked me to install a new version)
  9. I want to add one more thing.... The cache database doesnt handle the data very well once it gets past a certain point. For instance... once you start adding a lot of games. Like the microsoft dos set...wtiht thosands of media..... it takes a long time to sync... and it seems to just freeze up at the 97 percent mark. Then when you go in and test it... hyperspin also freezes as the database file never actually finalized. The idea to put checks and balances in place etc... is ok... but the structuring of the database needs to be either scrapped and go back to the regular hyperspin model of just reading media from the folder... without writing every file a hard directory address to a cache. Theres obviously problems with the syncing of media. This thing never gets off the ground otherwise. I think im going to take a week or two off and come back when theres more fixes... Cause right now... im just burning a lot of time messing with things.
  10. 1. M.U.G.E.N folder breaks the file system on windows, And you cant delete it. Get rid of the dots. 2. Overrides dont sync with the MainMenu. Or might do it partially.
  11. I was using Mame when the video was playing in the background. As stated... It was a theme.. I dumped some mame videos into the theme folder to test the full screen capability.
  12. Also... I mentioned this before... but if you could move the delete button to the system screen please./.. it would make cleaning up roms that you dotn want or that arent supposed to be there much easier. Thanks!
  13. Things are coming together nicely! Great job on the improvements! I had to wipe everything and start fresh again. A couple of things 1. Videos seem to continuously play after the game launches... I dont think the frontend is being frozen. And the videos play in a loop, you can hear them in the background. This is for themes btw. 2. Custom systems still dont add to hyperspin after setup. Tried to add Dice again... Doesnt appear. Everything else I think you nailed it!
  14. Custom Systems 1. Adding a custom system doesnt get added to hyperspin. Override Folder The override folder seems to work, but it only adds the media to HyperHQ and you can see it in HyperHQ... but it doesnt get transfered over to Hyperspin
  15. I had the same thing... it was updating to 2.031... I had to reset my pc to fix it.
  16. Override feature 1. I can add media to the override folder, And it seems to populate in HLHQ... but it doesnt show up in Hyperspin. Is there a way to manually populate it in Hyperspin? (Wheel media for instance) 2. I added "Dice" as a custom system... and was able to add some wheel media. As a test. In order to add the Mainwheel. Im assuming it would go here? \Media\Systems\_overrides\MainMenu\MainMenuWheel\Dice.png <---- Is this correct? Cause this isnt showing up either. 3. \Media\Systems\_overrides\MainMenu\MainMenuTheme\Dice.mp4 <---- Say I wanted to add a full video theme for Dice. Im guessing it would go here? Custom Systems Ive added a custom system called Dice... how do I get this to show up in Hyperspin? Doesnt seem to show up after adding it... even a blank wheel would be great. That way I can play with it. Maybe theres a way to force hyperspin to repopulate from HLHQ... I might be totally missing it, but im assuming its supposed to be automatic?
  17. I dont think theres any media.... you can add them.... but if theres no media on the server... Ntohing will sync downward. I want to know more about the override feature... Doesnt seem to work very well
  18. Ive fixed it. I had to reset my computer... now when i launch i get the proper version. 2.039 I got to start from scratch now :(
  19. I dont know what you mean... I only have one installation. Ive removed everything else... and did a fresh install.
  20. It is registry? Im at a loss here... thinking of starting with a clean windows
  21. Im not sure to be honest.... Ive deleted the files from the USer foldres... as well as the local/roaming... I did a clean install with 2.0.39... and it still reverts back to 2031. Im kind of mad at myself as I have to start from scratch and this problem is persisting.
  22. ISSUE #1 Initially updates.. to 2.038... If I close HLHQ... and reload. It says im back on 2.031 - To be clear... did this on 2.0.36 as well. Also... the cache system.... theres no way to rebuild the file set.... came back only only got a little bit of media in hyperspin Need some claritty on how the overrides work too... ISSUE #2 You have C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\_overrides\Arcade (MAME)\EmuMoviesVideoMedium C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\_overrides\Arcade (MAME)\GameTheme C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\_overrides\Arcade (MAME)\GameTheme\1942.mp4 <-- Example? Which one does what? GameTheme = Game theme videos? Like fully videos? EmuMoviesVideoMedium = Regular game videos? 4:3 ISSUE #3 I dont think the overrides work at all. ISSUE #4 I havent checked yet, but does adding an intro video still make hyperspin launch as a grey screen?
  23. 1. The scraping of media has to improve immensely.... Sega Naomi for instance uses mame roms... and not one game has a logo. 2. How do you add media to a collection? Metal slug collection for instance... These dont recognize with the media manager and therefore nothing can be created... Id like to add a wheel for it... as well as a theme. Or is this something being added later.
  24. Where do the video themes go exactly? They cant go in the same video folders right? C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\_overrides\Arcade (MAME)\EmuMoviesVideoMedium <--Wouldnt it just think its a regular video? Since this is overrides... hyperspin knows to use this folder over the cache folder? And even if it does use it... it projects the video to the full screen? Not displaying in the system theme? Also... having a copy of the video in the regular client folder... then copying it over to cache... and having another video in override.... is a bit nuts. 3 copies of the video for the same game? Plus snaps? We should be able to delete the ones we want and turn off syncing... every time hyperlaunch starts... it just starts grabbing the same files. Taking up huge amounts of space. Thanks
  25. Adding Intro videos breaks hyperspin. Even just 1 breaks it. (Just tested it) Removing it, fixes it. No more grey screen
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