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  • Birthday 07/19/1964


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  1. I think you can download it from this site if you do a donation. See here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/payments.php
  2. Today I got my plasma display back from Russell. He did a wonderful job adjusting his pindmd software. The display and pindmd are working flawlessly now. Thanks again Russell.
  3. @Russell I send you a pm.
  4. Hello Russell, Yes this is the 12 vishay plasma display. I'm willing to ship it to you together with the pindmd2, pindmd2 ribbon, usb cable and the 12v powercord I made (molex pc). I was looking on your site and found other firmware. I read the manual how to change firmware. One thing I don't understand is step 3 (install the STM DFU USB drivers). Where can I find those? Best regards Ton. P.s. And if I change firmware, what version could I best use? (the latest rev584-16)? 2e p.s. I managed to update firmware to rev584, but the problem still is there. pm me your address please.
  5. Russ, Sorry to say but I've got the same problem. Just hooked the pindmd2 on my plasma display today. and I also have a flickering top line and some dots that should be on top are on the bottom line. Do you have some alternative firmware for me also?
  6. I ordered the other one they received last friday
  7. Just getting rid of the screen image.
  8. Hi, Just go to C:\HyperPin\Media\HyperPin\Images and rename all the images starting with exitmenu1.png till exitmenu5b.png (total of 10 images). Now when you are in a table and you shortpress exit, the table will pause (but you will not see the menu). At a long exitpress you will go back in Hyperpin. Regards, Ton
  9. Perhaps here is the answer you are looking for
  10. I don't know FP, so for now I'm not able to help you. Sorry.
  11. This is the first part of my settings.ini (which when you intalled it, is standard). You set HP Playfield rotation on 270 and not 90. [Main] Version = Starting_Genre = All Games [Video] Playfield_Monitor = Primary Playfield_Rotation = 270 Backglass_Monitor = Secondary Quality = BEST Table_Video_Enabled = true Table_Video_Offset = 50 Use_Backglass = true Backglass_Image_x = 0 Backglass_Image_y = 0 Backglass_Image_w = 1280 Backglass_Image_h = 1024 Backglass_Image_r = 0 Backglass_Delay = .1
  12. I never suggested anything rotating in FP. I said that the rotation is set in HP (hyperpin) in the settings.ini
  13. Did you rotate windows also 270 degrees? If you did, that's the reason everything is upside down. The rotation should only take place in HP.
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