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About CHICO44121

  • Birthday 03/11/1976


  • HyperNewbie

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  1. thank you i finally got it. Now sync all the wheel art
  2. thanks, i am continuing on next question #2: under step 9 " You will be greeted with a prompt asking where HyperLaunch is installed. Just point it to your HyperLaunch folder C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch. This is HyperLaunchHQ the graphical user interface (gui) for editing HyperLaunch settings. You're thinking wow, so many settings this is too complicated. Well that's your fault for wanting lots of customization . " I was never greeted with a prompt so i just continued on (was this OK?)
  3. hi, having an issue getting getting hyperspin/hyperlaunch installed. i tried following the tutorial listed here 3x's so i figured i ask questions to anything that didnt make sense to me during install. Question 1: during step #4 right at the beginning it says this: Move your HyperLaunchHQ folder into the HyperLaunch folder. If your HyperLaunchHQ already exists in your HyperLaunch folder, skip this. Well as of right now i don't have this folder. Do I just create a folder and name it HyperLaunchHQ?
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