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  • Announcement

    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

Flying Dutchman

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About Flying Dutchman

  • Birthday 01/05/1967

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  1. Great addition maxxsinner! Thanks! Cheers, FD.
  2. Hi Flying Dutchman, My name is Shaun.

    Thanks heaps for all the amazing work you are doing with the VP. I have applied quite a few of your UVP's but for some reason, I can't get TOTAK to work... I downloaded both your versions (In fact every UVP - Thanks for the links)

    but all I am getting is the playfield (WORKING) with the server in the top corner and DMD in the head (Running).

    I have checked everything from database name:

    UVP Tales of the Arabian Nights




    To directories:

    C:/hyperpin/ultrauvp/UVP Tales of the Arabian Nights.uvp

    C:/hyperpin/media/visualpinball/backglasses/UVP Tales of the Arabian Nights.png

    To renaming the table: c:/visualpinball/tables/UVP Tales of the Arabian Nights.vpt

    I added the following as per your tutorial:

    Sub LoadVPM(VPMver, VBSfile, VBSver)

    On Error Resume Next

    If ScriptEngineMajorVersion <5 Then MsgBox "VB Script Engine 5.0 or higher required"

    ExecuteGlobal GetTextFile(VBSfile)

    If Err Then MsgBox "Unable to open " & VBSfile & ". Ensure that it is in the same folder as this table. " & vbNewLine & Err.Description

    'Set Controller = CreateObject("VPinMAME.Controller")

    Set Controller = CreateObject("UltraVP.BackglassServ")

    If Err Then MsgBox "Can't Load VPinMAME." & vbNewLine & Err.Description

    If VPMver> "" Then If Controller.Version

    If VPinMAMEDriverVer

    On Error Goto 0

    End Sub


    But no luck! any ideas??

    BTW I personally prefer the backglass with the speakers (looks more like a pinny) is there any issues with me grabbing your - FS version and changing the png to a speaker version and naming it all the same?? Will it flash and work the same way? I noticed that medieval madness flashes and look amazing == GREAT WORK. (I own the real machine, but I love the VP version - I got new trolls with leds in the eyes, looks awesome - we should mod the vp trolls too!)

    Anyway, thanks for you time to read my blabber, hopefully you will see what I am doing wrong.

    All the best, Shaun.

  3. Momenteel een NederBelg .. maar vlieg continue in het rond .. ;)



  4. Yup, NL, had friend op basketball die ook de flying dutchman werd genoemd vanwege zn airtime :D

    Altijd moeilijk de NLers dr uit te pikken hier aangezien het engels spreken ons hier wel redelijk goed afgaat. Ook geen idee hoe groot de emulation scene hier is.

    Wel blij dat forum in engels is, ons nederlandse taaltje staat me zodra ik achter een pc zit altijd een beetje tegen :P

    Maar waar heen 'gevlogen' als ik vragen mag?

  5. Born in The Netherlands .. not living there any more .. traveling a lot .. that's the reason why ppl. call me the Flying Dutchman.

    Zelf wel uit Nederland? ;)



  6. Your nickname might be a too huge clue too ignore, but you never know, and that being said.... from the netherlands as well?

  7. Bill, as Rwad suggested earlier in a thread, would it be possible to put the Flying Dutchman's 'Backglass Paradise' Logo with 'click-through' somewhere on the side of the HyperPin Forum?




  8. Hi Thomas .. did you already had the change to look into the fact on how to integrate an 'Active Backglass' to be autostart/stop in conjunction with HyperPin, as discussed in another thread earlier?

    I'm all curious to try it out! ;)



  9. Scott .. any change/news on the VP Flash WIP you said you would send me to try out for you?



  10. Scott .. if you come across an FS converted table (f.i. Simpsons Pinball Party - Groni) you would do me a huge favour! My lips are sealed ;)

  11. Bill,

    I've been doing some experimenting to recreate 'active backglass' images iso the static boring one's used with VP Tables.

    It's fired off as soon as the appropriate table is started and will run continuously during gameplay.

    When the table is stopped, the Backglass executable is stopped at the same time.

    During my tests (with a 4:3 IJ table) all ran smoothly, so no table/ball staggering.

    The DMD stays nicely in front of the Backglass, so no problems there.

    Please find below the link with a simple test-result:

    FD - Active Backglass - IJ - TestResult

    Please let me know your thoughts on this ..



  12. Scott, Bill,

    I've been doing some experimenting to recreate 'active backglass' images iso the static boring one's used with VP Tables.

    It's fired off as soon as the appropriate table is started and will run continuously during gameplay.

    When the table is stopped, the Backglass executable is stopped at the same time.

    During my tests (with a 4:3 IJ table) all ran smoothly, so no table/ball staggering.

    The DMD stays nicely in front of the Backglass, so no problems there.

    Please find below the link with a simple test-result:

    FD - Active Backglass - IJ - TestResult

    Please let me know your thoughts on this ..



  13. Scott, GnR 16-9 FS plays fantastic!

    Please find attached one of my Backglass pics from GnR you can use for releasing the package.




  14. Scott, GnR 16-9 FS plays fantastic!

    Please find attached a quality Backglass pic you can use for releasing the package.




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