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Flying Dutchman

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Everything posted by Flying Dutchman

  1. Great addition maxxsinner! Thanks! Cheers, FD.
  2. Thanks BBB, it fixes the BlackScreen! No more manual 'Q'-'S' anymore! Last thing for FP tables = exit with 'Esc' button does not work. HP doesn't exit properly .. Cheers, FD.
  3. Thanks! COuld you zip them up & send them to me (or upload to RS or SaveFile or any other host?). Thanks again! ps. HyperPin isnot there yet, so if you could let me know what to use .. much appreciated! Thanks again!
  4. kingb33 .. I'd be really interested in a copy of your mentioned Backglass images. I would much appreciate it if you could pm me a link where I could download them? Could you also let me know how you created them? xml file or else? Also could you pls. let me know the vp8 script you use to launch the static power point backglass automatically when a table is started? Cheers, FD.
  5. Looks VERY promissing! Thanks for all your effort and time you've put into this project!
  6. Didn't I see a thread where you mentioned HyperPin to be officially released this weekend?
  7. BBB, you're absolutely right! The community gets a lot 'Out-Of-The-Box' from you guys and should be really happy with the results and the hard work you're putting into this (and other) projec(s)! Moaning about rezising a table and/or relocating the DMD should not even be mentioned! Looking forward to the release and thanks again!
  8. Looking forward to it! I just love the backglass additions - it's very important to create the perfect and complete table and this certainly includes the backglass with DMD included! Isn't it possible to 'play' different backglass pics after each other and so create an 'active' backglass iso a passive one (without any action)? I've tested some with the 'Powerpoint' principle where you can simply run a presentation automatically to simulate an active backglass.
  9. When will it be released? Or is it already? Cheers,
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