Mattel HyperScan 3D Box Pack
Mattel HyperScan 2D Box Pack
NEC PC-FX 3D Box Pack (Jewel Case)
Nokia N-Gage 3D Box Pack
Thanks to @seaview59 who made "Space Impact X" logo.
Nokia N-Gage 2D Box Pack.
Thanks to @seaview59 who made "Space Impact X" logo.
This is not exactly a tool, but can be easily used to extract an almost perfect 1G1R from their Romsets.
To do that, just create a .txt file like the example one and rename it from .txt to .bat and execute it inside the ROMs folder.
Note: Only Official Released games are included in the lists. No Protos, Unlicensed, Demos, etc.
Note 2: A lot of cells are linked to others, so better not modify them manually. You can navigate by pressing each System Name on the Index Tab, and go back to Index by pressing "Go to INDEX" button on the System Tab
If any wrong game or any question, feel free to notify/ask me.
Hope it helps people to sort their rom collection.
Bandai Super Vision 8000 3D Carts
Thanks @Kondorito who cleaned the cart image.
Bandai Super Vision 8000 2D Carts
Thanks @Kondorito who cleaned the cart image.
I only created the Default overlay, the rest of the overlays and the main GCE Vectrex Device are from the "" site.
Now all 29 GCE Vectrex games will have a beautiful Bezel now.
Used names matches the latest No-Intro romset.
Custom Funtech Super Acan 3D Box Pack
Custom Funtech Super Acan 2D Box Pack
I tried to upload the file about 10 times without success.
The Pack can be downloaded here:
Complete set of 373 NEC PC Engine-CD 2D Boxes named as the "Redump - NEC - PC Engine CD & TurboGrafx CD (2020-12-12)" set.
Includes all Japan covers.
Custom VTech Socrates 3D Carts Pack.
Custom VTech Socrates 2D Carts Pack
Epoch Super Cassette Vision 3D Box Pack (Low-Mid Quality)
Epoch Super Cassette Vision 2D Box Pack (Low-Mid Quality)
VTech Socrates 3D Box Pack
VTech Socrates 2D Box Pack
Bandai Super Vision 3D Box Pack
Bandai Super Vision 2D Box Pack
Default 3D Computers Box Pack
Default 2D Computers Box Pack
Nintendo Game Boy Advance 2D Carts Pack.
Most all of the labels and carts from this set are originally from @Abeezy from his set which can be downloaded here: with a handful also from WallyWonka.
Nintendo Game Boy Advance 3D Carts Pack.
Most all of the labels and carts from this set are originally from @Abeezy from his set which can be downloaded here: with a handful also from WallyWonka.