For everyone's convenience, here are all of the HyperSpin Official system databases in one zip file. The only exception is MAME - the included 0.236 database is the most current one available and is far more complete than the official ones. If we've somehow missed including any official databases in this archive, please let us know. Thank you!
ProTip: These don't cover all of the systems you'll find here on the site, and there are many unofficial databases available here as well.
Bally Astrocade Database (Official)
I have been doing my own bezels to fill the black borders. All are in 1920 x 1080 and simply go into the artwork folder.
I have used artwork / flyers from all over and have tried to use original artwork and graphics from the themes in doing these bezels.
These are my own mock up and cam be used if you want and / or edited if needed.
Some of the flyers had to be resized and look slightly stretched but they still look OK.
Aamber Pegasus HyperBase Database (Official)
Daphne Database (Official)
Mirai Ninja (Japan) - mirninja (MAME)
Video Snap available at EmuMovies
1.0 MAME - 05/15/2015
1.2 - 03/06/2016
1.2 - 03/06/2016
1.0 - 03/06/2016
Nintendo 64 - Database (XML)
1.2 - 03/06/2016
1.0 - 03/06/2016
Pioneer Palcom Laserdisc HyperBase Database (Official)
Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.
Development Thread -
SNK Neo Geo CD HyperBase Database (Official)
Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.
Development Thread -
Atari Jaguar CD HyperBase Database (Official)
Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.
Development Thread -
Nintendo 64DD HyperBase Database (Official)
Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.
Development Thread -
NEC PC Engine HyperBase Database (Official)
Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.
Development Thread -
Atari Jaguar - Game Wheels [Official]
Bora galera tenho um canal no Youtube pra ensinar e tirar dúvidas, tutoriais totalmente funcionais com os links para download!
I have a channel on Youtube to teach some people about Rocketlauncher and Hyperspin (in portuguese-br)
Atari Jaguar HyperBase Database (Official)
Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.
Development Thread -
Electronic Handheld Games HyperBase Database (Official)
Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.
Development Thread -
Panasonic 3DO HyperBase Database (Official)
Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.
Development Thread -
Sega Model 2 HyperBase Database (Official)
Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.
Development Thread -
Sega Model 3 HyperBase Database (Official)
Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.
Development Thread -