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Files posted by hErTz

  1. Sony PlayStation 2 ALT - System Default Theme.
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified PSD's.
    I have made some changes to the original 
    I have converted this from 720p - 1080p. I changed the background to a grey version of Gibbawho's PS3 theme, I also changed the "PS2" part of the logo to THK's version.

    17 0
  2. Sony PlayStation 2 - System Default Theme.
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified PSD's.
    The original PSD was 720p, I have converted to 1080p
    Sony PlayStation 2-System-Default-Gibbawho-hErTz

    22 0
  3. Sony PlayStation 2 ALT - Main Menu Themes.
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified PSD's.
    I have made some changes to the original 
    I have converted this from 720p - 1080p. I changed the background to a grey version of Gibbawho's PS3 theme, I also changed the "PS2" part of the logo to THK's version.


    63 0
  4. Sony PlayStation 2 Alternative Main Menu Wheel
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified PSD's
    I changed the "PS2" part of the logo to THK's version.
    20 0
  5. Sony PlayStation 2 - Main Menu Themes.
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified Megatheme Extended PSD's.
    The original PSD was 720p, I have converted to 1080p
    Sony-PlayStation 2-Main-Menu-GoW-Gibbawho-hErTz


    31 0
  6. Sony PlayStation 2 Main Menu Wheels
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified PSD's
    19 0
  7. Sony PlayStation - System Default Theme.
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified PSD's.
    I have made some changes to the original 
    I have converted this from 720p - 1080p. I changed the background to a grey version of Gibbawho's PS3 theme, I also changed the "PS" logo to THK's version.

    55 0
  8. Sony PlayStation - Main Menu Theme.
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified PSD's.
    I have made some changes to the original 
    I have converted this from 720p - 1080p. I changed the background to a grey version of Gibbawho's PS3 theme, I also changed the "PS" logo to THK's version.

    50 0
  9. Sony PlayStation Main Menu Wheels
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified PSD's
    22 0
  10. Sony PlayStation - Fade In/Out.
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified PSD's
    Works well when your Main, Default. Genre, Fade In/Out Backgrounds are all the same.
    I am unsure who made the "Now Loading" layers, as I put these together over a few years, It may have been @RetroHumanoid or @ghostlost
    Includes the Game Wheel Logo's, in Individual Folders. To Display them as shown in the Screenshot, you need to apply the following Global Settings to RL

    I have also included Main and Genre Databases. It has 1717 entries, these will be updated in coming months as there is an ongoing project due to complete soon.
    58 0
  11. ColecoVision - Fade In/Out.
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified Extended PSD's
    Works well when your Main, Default. Genre, Fade In/Out Backgrounds are all the same.
    I am unsure who made the "Now Loading" layers, as I put these together over a few years, It may have been @RetroHumanoid or @ghostlost
    Includes the Game Wheel Logo's, in Individual Folders. To Display them as shown in the Screenshot, you need to apply the following Global Settings to RL

    15 0
  12. ColecoVision - System Default Themes
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified Megatheme Extended PSD's.


    37 0
  13. ColecoVision Main Menu Themes.
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified Megatheme Extended PSD's.
    This Set has 4 Variations with different Characters.
    I have also added 4 with the same designs but a different Video Frame, The One commonly used with Unified Themes.




    65 0
  14. ColecoVision  Main Menu Wheels
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified Extended PSD's
    30 0
  15. Atari Jaguar - System Default Theme
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified Megatheme Extended PSD's.


    31 0
  16. Taken from GibbaWho's Unified Megatheme Extended PSD's.
    This Set has 2 Variations with different Joypads.
    I have also added 2 with the same designs but a different Video Frame, The One commonly used with Unified Themes.
    Atari Jaguar CD-Main Menu-3But-Gibbawho-hErTz          
    Atari Jaguar CD-Main Menu-6But-Gibbawho-hErTz

    Atari Jaguar CD-Main Menu-3But-ALT VF-Gibbawho-hErTz                                 
    Atari Jaguar CD-Main Menu-6But-ALT VF-Gibbawho-hErTz

    65 0
  17. Atari Jaguar CD Main Menu Wheels
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified Extended PSD's
    44 0
  18. Atari Jaguar CD - Fade In/Out.
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified Extended PSD's
    Works well when your Main, Default. Genre, Fade In/Out Backgrounds are all the same.
    Includes the Game Wheel Logo's, in Individual Folders. To Display them as shown in the Screenshot, you need to apply the following Global Settings to RL

    18 0
  19. Atari Jaguar Main Menu Wheels
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified Extended PSD's
    23 0
  20. Taken from GibbaWho's Unified Megatheme Extended PSD's.
    This Set has 6 Variations with different Characters and Joypads.
    I have also added 6 with the same designs but a different Video Frame, The One commonly used with Unified Themes
    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Dino Dudes-3But-Gibbawho-hErTz                          
     Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Dino Dudes-6But-Gibbawho-hErTz

    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Rayman-3But-Gibbawho-hErTz                                     
    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Rayman-6But-Gibbawho-hErTz

    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Zool-3But-Gibbawho-hErTz                                           
    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Zool-6But-Gibbawho-hErTz

    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Dino Dudes-3But-ALT VF-Gibbawho-hErTz                  
    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Dino Dudes-6But-ALT VF-Gibbawho-hErTz

    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Rayman-3But-ALT VF-Gibbawho-hErTz                        
    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Rayman-6But-ALT VF-Gibbawho-hErTz

    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Zool-3But-ALT VF-Gibbawho-hErTz                              

    Atari Jaguar-Main Menu-Zool-6But-ALT VF-Gibbawho-hErTz

    121 0
  21. Atari Jaguar - System Default Theme
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified Megatheme Extended PSD's.
    Atari Jaguar-System Default-Gibbawho-hErTz

    Atari Jaguar-System Default-ALT VF-Gibbawho-hErTz

    39 0
  22. Atari Jaguar - Fade In/Out.
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified Extended PSD's
    Works well when your Main, Default. Genre, Fade In/Out Backgrounds are all the same.
    Includes the Game Wheel Logo's, in Individual Folders. To Display them as shown in the Screenshot, you need to apply the following Global Settings to RL

    16 0
  23. Taken from GibbaWho's Unified Megatheme Extended PSD's.
    This Set has 8 Variations with different Characters.
    I have also added 8 with the same designs but a different Video Frame, The One commonly used with Unified Themes
    Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev1Joy-2dDouble-GibbaWho-hErTz                               Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev1Joy-2dJoust-GibbaWho-hErTz
    Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev1Joy-2dNinja-GibbaWho-hErTz                                  Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev1Joy-3dAst-GibbaWho-hErTz
    Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev2Pad-2dDouble-GibbaWho-hErTz                              Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev2Pad-2dJoust-GibbaWho-hErTz
    Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev2Pad-2dNinja-GibbaWho-hErTz                                  Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev2Pad-3dAst-GibbaWho-hErTz
    Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev1Joy-2dDouble-ALT VF-GibbaWho-hErTz                   Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev1Joy-2dJoust-ALT VF-GibbaWho-hErTz
    Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev1Joy-2dNinja-ALT VF-GibbaWho-hErTz                     Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev1Joy-3dAst-ALT VF-GibbaWho-hErTz
    Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev2Pad-2dDouble-ALT VF-GibbaWho-hErTz                 Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev2Pad-2dJoust-ALT VF-GibbaWho-hErTz
    Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev2Pad-2dNinja-ALT VF-GibbaWho-hErTz                    Atari 7800-Main Menu-Rev2Pad-3dAst-ALT VF-GibbaWho-hErTz
    112 0
  24. Atari 7800 - System Default Theme
    Taken from GibbaWho's Unified Megatheme Extended PSD's.
    Atari 7800-default-GibbaWho-hErTz

    Atari 7800-default-ALT VF-GibbaWho-hErTz

    40 0
  25. Atari 7800 - Fade In/Out.
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified Extended PSD's
    Works well when your Main, Default. Genre, Fade In/Out Backgrounds are all the same.
    Includes the Game Wheel Logo's, in Individual Folders. To Display them as shown in the Screenshot, you need to apply the following Global Settings to RL

    17 0
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