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  • Announcement

    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.


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Everything posted by ninja2bceen

  1. 408 downloads

    Nintendo Disk Famicom Pointer
  2. 287 downloads

    Amstrad GX4000 Pointer
  3. 182 downloads

    Vtevch Creativision Pointer
  4. 108 downloads

    Intervon VC 4000
  5. 102 downloads

    Super Vision 8000 Pointer
  6. 112 downloads

    RCA Studio 2 pointer
  7. 197 downloads

    Odyssey 2 pointer
  8. 175 downloads

    Fair Channel F Pointer
  9. 125 downloads

    Epoch Super Cassette System
  10. 177 downloads

    Action Max Pointer
  11. 4,060 downloads

    Attached is a theme I made and wheel art that I made It seems that the original hypersearch app that pietie created is no longer displaying here so I figured I would repost it with some goodies Its the same app you are used you. Just changed the config file and your ready to go. If you want to add this as a single wheel, just add the exe to the call exe that's attached in the zip file and set that up for the wheel. This is married to the ghutch start up script very nice. Get that start up script too and add this app to the start up menu. OPh and don't forget to add itt to the exit part of the script so this app opens and closes amazingly with hyperspin.
  12. 126 downloads

    Freedom Planet PC Game Wheel
  13. 157 downloads

    Nintendo Power - Main Menu Wheel
  14. 143 downloads

    Not sure where I got this but it was on the ftp somewhere. Props go to the owner
  15. 707 downloads

    Dark41 is a master with swf, a true master I have a main menu special artwork that just says main menu and hyperspin but Dark has added a real date and time in the top right corner. Just brilliant. Enjoy use the same settings as my other template file with special art to make it the same as the location in the screenshot
  16. 160 downloads

    Attached is what I think are the core items for a cocktail set up which was created by jeepguy. There could be other files you need but they can be found on the ftp under his name
  17. 197 downloads

    Home Brew Mame Pointer
  18. 295 downloads

    sparkle sparkle. sega stv pointer
  19. 594 downloads

    CPS2 alt pointer
  20. 602 downloads

    CPS1 alt pointer
  21. 1,838 downloads

    Attached is everything that makes the screenshot possible
  22. 594 downloads

    main menu exit template
  23. 324 downloads

    Favorites background template
  24. 1,041 downloads

    nintendo wii alt 4 pointer
  25. 150 downloads

    nintendo wii alt 3 pointer
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