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About maxheadroom

  • Birthday 08/08/1981


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  1. Yeah they are registering as a gamepad and I have xpadder, I thought that the script could still work. I just down no what buttons on my gamepad would register on the script?, Can I change them? Do I still need xpadder?
  2. Hi ghutch92 its great that it will work, I have a few questions as I am a complete noob. I read the first page about installing but im just wondering how I confirm my controls in the script. im using two of these in a small bartop machine for my nephew http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Zero-Delay-USB-Encoder-PC-To-Joystick-For-MAME-Control-2Pin-2-8mm-Size-Cable-/171251607368?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27df642748 I have the following emulators setup in hyperspin Mame Zsnes Sega Genesis - Fusion Sega Master System - Fusion Sega 32X - Fusion Atari 5200 - Fusion The emulators are configured correctly to the joysticks outside of hypersin, but I didn't want to start messing with settings until I asked a question. I messed around too much earlier and had to re install everything. I used your install guide this time though and it was super smooth. The bartop has 2 players and 8 buttons " 6 buttons + Start button + Credit/Select Button" is it possible to use these button to navigate hyperspin, enter an emu, exit an emu, enter a diff emu. Any info is greatly appreciated Cheers Max
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