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Everything posted by Proplayer77

  1. Thx! Fits picture was wrong on mine, second is ok Ill try again.
  2. Hi, i double checked that hyperspin is default :/
  3. Ok, now i get some games to work! I copied the Databases folders from Hyperspin to be under Rocketlauncher. A bit unlogical? Any good advice how to get pictures to MAME, none of the games has a preview picture? Also how to make Win10 (or7) to start directly to Hyperspin? From msconfig?
  4. In RocketLauncherUI i have set Hyperspin as the default as it should be. Confuzing!
  5. Hi, same, i get error in hyperspin.
  6. Hi, i should have all configurations ready, and can launch games from rocket launcher but when i go to hyperspin and press enter on mame, i cant browse any games :/. If i press enter again, i go back to screen where i scroll different emulators. All other emulators work so i can browse games but they are of course only lists, no games behind them. Other question is can I put the Hyperspin as a front end to my computer ? Im using Hyperspin 1.4.16 and latest Rocket Launcher. Mame version is 0.190
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