I checked with Mamerooom and Scott said he was looking into something along the lines of making a cabinet. In the 90's Bally/Williams came out with some widebody pins. They were only a couple of inches wider, but might be good for this.
I really like the looks of this program; a must for people building a video pin.
Personally, Future Pin might be better and newer, but I really love the 90 Bally/Williams pins. The toys, animations, and rule sets took pinball to a new level. Attack from Mars, Medieval Madness, Monster Bash, Twilight Zone, Cirqus Voltaire, Theatre of Magic, Addams Family, etc...When/If these games get emulated, that is probably when I will take the plunge and build a cab.
I read the post that there is a rumor that FP would start supporting roms, hopefully that will get the ball rolling. (pun intended)