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About lordindy

  • Birthday 08/25/1971

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  1. I was going to have "channels" routered out in the cabinet for the EL wire, so that the vinyl could sit overtop nicely.
  2. Oh yes, I will. She'll be going up the side of the backbox
  3. Hi guys. I'm in the process of a pinball cabinet build (post and photos will be up soon). I want a "Tron: Legacy" theme. My question is this: I plan on running EL Wire or Tape underneath the artwork to make the appropriate areas of the artwork glow.. Example artwork/image for the side of the pinball cab: http://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/tron-yellow-billboard-movie-poster.jpg What should my considerations be in terms of the decals or artwork material? Transparency? Colour of paint on the wood underneath the decal? Thanks for any tips. Lordindy Toronto, Canada
  4. Hi guys. I'm absolutely amazed at your skills and dedication. I currently am using my Arduino board to drive my XBMC amblight system on my TV. I have a question: I ordered a Raspberry Pi, and was intending on using it as another XBMC or a MAME unit. Now, I'm wondering....can the Raspberry Pi be used as an "evolution" of the Arduino board to control a driver board and gadgets?
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