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Everything posted by ei8ht

  1. OK...I will try to get a replacement... But what I want to know is does anyone has a APD128G0320A-1 which works with the pinDMD2?
  2. I tested the plasma today on a real pinball (black rose). It worked perfectly...
  3. Just let me know if should test it for you...
  4. I try to check it on a real pinball next week and report to you. I hope there is no need to replace it and it works and the problem will be solved with a later firmware...
  5. Hi, my plasma DMD (Vishay APD128G032A) just arrived yesterday. After I hooked it up with pinDMD2 (Rev 5.84, but already tested all other ones) I saw that I have the same issues than Mikekim. The screen were it shows the pinDMD logo is flickering and the picture itselfs is unclear. It seems that the bottom line is showing at the top. I will try to test the DMD in real pinball mashine and will tell you the result. If it is not working I will write mouser an email and ask for a replacement. What I want to know is does anybody runs a Vishay APD128G032A with pinDMD2 without problems?
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