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Everything posted by antropus

  1. Here's my contribution: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?22893-Rango-s-Dirtball-%28or-DirtPinball%29-46-32-DMD-Wide-Body -Kris
  2. To anyone interested in using a real plasma DMD instead of the LED version, please check this thread out: http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=23249&st=0 -Kris
  3. I don't know if this link was posted before, but I found the information very useful: http://www.pinballmedic.net/coil_chart.html -Kris
  4. Unrelated post, please remove
  5. I'm one of those idiots who bought a Vishay PLASMA hoping it would work with the pinDMD! Silly me. Now I'm waiting until someone comes up with a magic board that can drive/feed it. Well, someone can only hope! -Kris
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