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About JefeMonteiro

  • Birthday 12/01/1991

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    Emulator,contribute to the community

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  1. As always, great work, I have a configuration file to control, I can't start the games
    Hello, the download time to start downloading is 300 seconds, before it was 15 seconds, do you know what happened?
  2. Hello, where can I find the ROMs?
    Hello, where can I find the ROMs and the .xml file?
  3. Thanks for the feedback, it's very complicated, I'm going to give up
  4. Hi, I'm getting this error message when running using mame core, can anyone help?
  5. Hi, where can I find the roms?
  6. Hello friend, I'm going to give up, I extracted the ZIP file and left it unextracted, my core is all up to date, but as I said, it only works on the old mame core that I have, the games open and the screen is black
  7. So, isn't it to extract the ZIP file? Does that name remain the same as in the .zip file?
  8. Hello, I put this core in, it won't work, I even downloaded all the retroarch again, it wasn't, one thing I remembered was the games I had to download from somewhere else, these are giving errors in both games 1 and 2, you can't extract them, could you take a look at the rosm that you put here?
  9. Hi, I did this and it gave me an error. Could you send me the file so I can see it? Via Discord? I use core mame_libreto and a single old core that works on super A'can
  10. I use a different mame_libreto.dll with this one I can play the console super a'can more when using this system some games give a blue error screen of the mame others stay on a black screen I tried putting the latest version of the mame core but opening and closing the games I will attach the .xml file hyperscan.xml
  11. Hello great work, could you make mame_libreto.dll available, I don't know what else is wrong
  12. Could you help? Or send the correct mame core
  13. Hello, how do I configure the control? Could you help me because the keyboard doesn't even work a single key
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