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Everything posted by Hyperaspp

  1. Ryzen vs Intel chips maybe?
  2. This is Brutal... I have to use Launchbox and I dont like launchbox
  3. Since your an admin here... any word if this is going to get fixed from bill? Or anything at all?
  4. Any progress on this at all? My system is still jammed up....
  5. Is this website dead... I guess the author doesnt intend on releasing a fix?
  6. Any progress on this? I cant uninstall anything without doing a full reset
  7. THis is nuts.... Bill can eat a bag of dicks.... I bet he blacklisted the program from running its signature.
  8. Microsoft has lost their mind... locking down everything. They really need to fix this.... Anybody messaged the origianl developer? Im sure he has a vested interest in keeping his site alive.
  9. How did you uninstall the update?
  10. How did you uninstall the update?
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