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About sacredgaming

  • Birthday 10/21/1981


  • Sacred Gaming

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  1. i had 12v on the dmd for ohh about an 1hr before i realized it. So Probably fried the pindmd. I have a friend with one not far away i'll grab his tomorrow and report back.Anywhere to check voltage on the pindmd that would give me any indicator?
  2. I have my virtual cab and it was all working in December did a little re configuring early January and accidentally hooked the display to 12v so i sent the display back. would adding 12v to the dmd also fry the pindmd? My question is there a way to test the display minus the pindmd?
  3. Shouldn't I get picture with just power applied? A logo? It is a v1.
  4. any idea's russ?
  5. no video at all. yes single 0603 led. Its getting power showing 5.15v on all chips.
  6. can anyone with a LEE-128G032-1 take a picture of the u23 chip on the back. I sent my dmd off to vishay in January for a rma and just got it back yesterday and its doing the same thing. After inspecting the board in looks as though a couple of pins are bridged and i wanted to compare to someone else's.
  7. I think this is a great idea! jp will be jealous
  8. yep looking forward to it. Need it now!
  9. i put up a link on last page for dmd's here in us
  10. http://www.futureelectronics.com/en/Search.aspx?dsNav=Ntk:PartNumberSearch%7cLEE%2f-128G032B%7c1%7c,Ny:True,Nea:True,N:4294938476 this place has both orange and red 5v
  11. i am currently working with an arduino uno for an ambilight project btw not my video just an example would look great around a playfield if you could get it to work.
  12. yep. was thinking of going original with my cab but, seeing your prints i just may have to go the other way.
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