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Everything posted by samwyze
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Very nice lets get a bunch posted so we can release them as options...if you don't mind of course! Any other gfx peeps out there wana share? Sent from my Ideos using Tapatalk -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
In 1.295wip3 it's line 575: Gui, Add, Progress, x%xLoadProgress% y%yLoadProgress% w%wLoadProgress% h%hLoadProgress% -smooth 0x8 c0C32A5 vLoading vertical BackgroundFFFFFF change to: Gui, Add, Progress, x%xLoadProgress% y%yLoadProgress% w%wLoadProgress% h%hLoadProgress% -smooth 0x8 c80000 vLoading vertical BackgroundFFFFFF and recompile. Also if you want to change background colour you can (you can see it's currently white(FFFFFF) Any chance you can post gfx here? Had a thought it might be good to collect them - perhaps start a new thread for custom fplaunch gfx but not sure who uses them. -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
LOL - I was actually just looking at a program to compile chm help files, sorry for your headache! Will include one in the upcoming release for sure now. Thanks for the push -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Just letting everyone know, as blur is away I've decided to spend some time rebuilding my minipin. Working on the script has got me buzzing on digital pinball again and it'd definately be easier for testing (more fun anyway!) Got most of the code I wanted to get done finished anyway, been writing a simple settings editor that can be released with the next version, no more editting ini files Also lets you set HyperPin settings, but I assume by the time you're installing a mod, you've probably got those sussed. -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
I used the hyperpin database xml, but just checked and rom name isn't there so we would still need an ini txt or xml with the rom info. Probably txt or ini is fine (maybe even csv?) I'm using an ini to convert keycodes from hyperpin to ahk so perhaps the two could be merged. PDF looks a real pain to read with ahk, don't think anyone has done it directly. Should be able to use any image format that xp natively supports. Also, could use ahk to parse .doc files and create images from them if needed, but would have to be done at our end, cause word has to be active to do it. I don't think gdi+ will draw over opengl, there is a library being developed for ahk to do it, but it's not very user friendly yet afaik. I haven't set up FP, with my cab being pretty trashed it's prob not gona happen for a while - so, sorry, it's not on my priorty list At the moment the menu has, return to game, instruction card, flyer (not completed, only shows front page - haven't written the loop to parse image directories yet, lazy!) and exit. Do you think I need to add pause to menu? The menu has a 'heading' that says that So just need replay, hiscores and screenshot - though I'll just send you what I've got when I'm done with flyers. Oh, and it's probably buggy as LOL (I don't test my scripts often, when I do, I test them in the field - ha ha ha) -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Great work I'm already getting the friendly name for the table from the xml using StrX() from Skan at ahk: systemName = %1% tableName = %2% tableNameFriendly = "%tableName%" xmlpath = %A_ScriptDir%\Databases\%systemName%\%systemName%.xml FileRead, XML, %xmlpath% Title := StrX( XML, "" . tableNameFriendly . ">" ,1,0,"</description>",1,14) NewTitle := StrX( Title, "<description>" ,1,13,"",1,1) msgbox %NewTitle% Return StrX( H, BS="",BO=0,BT=1, ES="",EO=0,ET=1, ByRef N="" ) { ; | by Skan | 19-Nov-2009 Return SubStr(H,P:=(((Z:=StrLen(ES))+(X:=StrLen(H))+StrLen(BS)-Z-X)?((T:=InStr(H,BS,0,((BO <0)?(1):(BO))))?(T+BT):(X+1)):(1)),(N:=P+((Z)?((T:=InStr(H,ES,0,((EO)?(P+1):(0))))?(T-P+Z +(0-ET)):(X+P)):(X)))-P) ; v1.0-196c 21-Nov-2009 www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic51354.html } but the info on PINemHi is really handy - damn I just redid the menus, now I'll have to add hiscore as an option! Actually, shall we display them on backglass monitor when at pause menu? Or add as an option for a paused splash if not using upcoming exit menu? Or add an option to view on the upcoming exit menu? Or all of the above? Just re-read and see that you're the author of PINemHi - nice Seems we're getting some ahk scripters gathering here - anyone like the idea of having a scriptlets dir in hyperpin so that individual scripts can be called from fplaunch - rather than growing fplaunch exponentially? autohotkey.dll is allowed to be distributed so we could leave them (and run them) as ahk - no need to compile and easier for users to edit. Any opinions? @blur - I need to get flyer code finished then it's heading your way to get cleaned and FP added (also add your new exit routines and win activate order etc...) -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Correct - I embedded an activex into the gui (the only way I KNOW to show pdf with ahk - hopefully there's another way ) Personally, I've decided to leave the buttons for use with the hyperpin front end - BUT I also plan to add them to an esc/pause menu that shows on short press (if turned on in settings) so it shouldn't matter either way for you. Also, I'd say this is a wee way off, I haven't even had a chance to send blur my current script. Hmmm, well lets have a think on that one. In the mean time I'll get the menu system updated to include flyer/instructions ready in my current script - then hand over to you to update with Future pinball and any improvements etc... That sound ok? p.s. Is there any other source for replay images that might be easier (say bmp or png etc..)? -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
I can do pdf, but with a command-line pdf to png util (kinda cheating!) So far If I try and embed the pdf directly into a gui, I get adobes pdf controls displaying and uglying it up. Have you seen any ahk MSWord display scripts? I'm assuming this would be easier -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Got you now, wasn't reading the post properly (or visiting link!) I'll look into it asap -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Never mind, got that figured out, now just need a way to get height/width properties from the swf file before displaying it - anyone? -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
I like them too, think that's where I got the initial pause routine from as well Any ideas how to rotate a swf file once it's embedded? -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
@rockyrocket, sorry - should have tested at my end first - lol. Glad it's working now though @blur - I've been looking at the swf info for ahk, it's really simple for what we need, it might even be better to use swf for loading/pause etc... do you have a decent method to test load speeds/memory usage for the script? -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Didn't realise (hadn't thought about it!) extra hotkeys used cpu, so learnt something In that case I completely agree. Also I had a rethink about having user options (as oppossed to majority rules). Think it's better to keep all the options there - maybe just build a gui to set them up as it gets more customisable. Regards 'inkochnito replay scores' - can you explain a little more what you mean? If we sort swf playing for the instructions it should be and issue I guess. My minipin's gona need a rebuild - the cab itself is munted (from liquifaction) - and the backglass monitor didn't survive the fall so it needs replacing. Grrrr. Anyway perhaps I'll leave out the instruction and flyer buttons - it always annoyed me that they were defunct once you were playing. My cab is/was similar to your minipin laptop thread, except as its a widescreen lappy I used that for the playfield. The reason I asked about the service key was because, with my current script, it gets the hotkeys (except for pause) from the hyperpin settings.ini [keyboard] and [pinball wizard] rather than [FPLaunch] I'm gona post it later today (or maybe pm you) - just adding something to the guis first. I haven't really looked at merging with your current as I don't have a properly functioning cab to test with and I know that it was working on my setup as is. -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
A seperate idea. Blur, you have a key set to enter the editor don't you (f4?) I think it makes sense for me to map that to my service key. -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Ok, so perhaps we could go both ways, if image file exits use that, else draw using math. Sure I'll upload an example sometime today. Basically it looks the same as when you hit esc in hyperpin(minus the shutdown option) Damn! I had a modified version of bauhaus installed, it didn't match - redownloaded it - voila! Have you looked at showing swf within an ahk gui? It's possible and I like the idea, but I'd prefer to use my dedicated instructions key to bring it up. The flyer button could be used the same way.PS, the code is looking good, seems you've refined it alot I also had an idea to show hyperpin, visual pinball and future pinball trivia while paused - so it looks like we're on the same page - or at least in the same chapter -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Forgot to ask... Does anyone know if blur got the name of the font used within hyperpin? Oh, and been catching up on the thread to make sense of blurs latest script - WOW, this has come a LONG way, hope I still have something to offer - I'll have to freshen up my ahk skills! @rockyrocket: ME TOO!! -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Just realised that blur is away for a while, so I'm going to have a crack at merging my last fplaunch, with blurs current, but I have a few questions for you guys. 1: Does anyone use their own (custom) images for the pause/load/exit overlays? I see in its latest incarnation, blur only gets the dimensions of the pause image and uses those to resize all. The reason I took dimensions from each was so that anyone could replace any image and still have a working script. If no one uses custom images, or plans to, then I'll leave it how blur has it. 2: If you're not going to use custom images, does anyone mind if I use a standard system font instead of the modified one used by hyperpin? If no one cares then all the images can be drawn on fly, rather than loaded from files. This should result in better display, images will be antialaised and won't suffer loss of quality from having to be resized. 3: Any other features that people want, that aren't in the todo list included with blurs latest release? 4: I currently use an exit menu, similar to the one in the hyperpin table selection, so pressing esc brings up a menu to return to game or esc to hyperpin, would people use this? 5: Do people use a seperate pause key, or tap esc to pause or both? (I have my 'service' key mapped to pause but never use it with my exit menu) Maybe we should do a poll with what methods of pause/exit are preferred, instead of offering the choices and just go with the majority? Any suggestions or ideas? -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
@rockyrocket Try this: if (systemName = "Visual Pinball") { IfWinExist, Visual Pinball Player,, DMD { IfWinActive, Visual Pinball Player,, DMD { [color="Lime"]WinMaximize, Visual Pinball Player WinHide, HyperPin[/color] Break } } @blur: well, found my pincab under a pile of cr@p in the back of the shed. Managed to get my last version of FPLaunch off, this one has moved quite far since I last looked. When you're back, and if you can be bothered, you might want to have a look at it as it was using gdi+ to draw the overlays. Never really got to grasps with the gdi+ routines though, so it could probably be optimised quite a bit, and of course I only had routines for VP as I don't use FP. -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
@blur, if FP users want to see high scores how about changing order that screenshot is taken, so send a pause to fp, take the screenshot now that it's paused,then overlay the blue pause gfx-unsure if this needs repositioning so that high scores are visible. It would be nice to have the high score but still keep the blue paused gfx so that it is more visually uniform. @blitz17, unfortunately the flickering issues are related to the way ahk handles gfx, don't forget ahk is a scripting language. This could be overcome by using an external library to handle the gfx but would require the user to download yet another item (don't think it's allowed to be 'bundled'), and blur or myself would need to rewrite alot of the scipt. What do you think blur, is it worth moving to gdi+ (better image routines,less or even no flicker) and gpf (allows overlays on d3d 8 and d3d 9)? -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Haven't had a play with the latest versions yet, but yeah let's start by combining the 2 then add the gfx overlays. The goal would be to have them animated, easiest/fastest way to do this is with screen captures. I looked at using d3d routines but things got too tricky with memory leaks etc.. unfortunately my programming skills are minimal! -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
I'm back... Well looks good Blur, glad to see you're keeping this alive! Sadly my father-in-law has passed away (after a long battle with cancer) and so pinball has been the last thing on my mind. However, with the kids back into the routine of school, I think it might be a nice distraction. I still don't have my cab reassembled, it's just the lpt-switch to interface the keys left to redo, but I'm happy to use the keyboard to move along this script. How do you feel about starting a new thread Blur? I could update the first post to point to it, that way, if I run thin on time you could keep it up to date. In the meantime I will update the first post to point to your current builds. -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
Hi all, I am still here - have been house sitting a hobby farm for some friends, without net! Anyway, replacing the fan on my lappy has become a more involved task. I have sanded my cab (didn't like it's colour) and updated all of my make shift electronics to make it much stronger thus more durable. I am hoping to have it reassembled by the weekend so that I can get back into FPLaunch...but with the 3 kids and school holidays still on...no promises! -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
That's ok, its more finding time around the family to sit on my cab, and last night I lost the fan on my cpu so my microcab is in pieces - wanted to resolder and reorganise some of the cableing anyway! Working with a lappy motherboard isn't that fun with my eyesight though Doh - wish I'd seen this yesterday, I actually added a usePauseToExit key already, along with a menu of choices (back or exit) wanted to release it yesterday until my cab f**ked out! The exiting 3 2 1 script has been fixed too (it fades smoother and more evenly). Was having trouble with tranparencies in the pause to exit menu, when the cabs back together I'll send you the script because I think it may be related to my stripped down and optimized xp. Transperancies work fine on my win7 desktop but need to know if someone with xp has the same issues as me. I have also been working on a much better method to draw the images, using DLL calls, I believe it may even draw over the top of the D3D Future Pinball, but no promises and it's a wee way away yet. Have been having a good look through the autohotkey forums as well, didn't realise how much info and example scripting was on there Anyway... just wanted to let you know where I'm at, it may be a few days before I can get back on a pc to upload my current, so Blur, just go nuts and I'll incorporate and merge any changes that you've done before I post the next one. p.s. I also rewrote the ini writing script, but nothing major, just rather than writting the new keys all at once if the first is missing, assess them 1 by 1 and writes individually. -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
The new exit/pause/loading screens are only for visual pinball at this stage. It shouldn't be affecting future pinballs exit routine as this hasn't been altered? Perhaps Blur could have a look at 1.28's Future Pinball compatibility for me as I have yet to install and play with it. It 'SHOULD' support hyper_DMD but is lacking the script lines to start/close it, these need to be added yourself. How are people using hyper_DMD? Do you use it to show instructions while browsing tables or are you using it instead of each tables unique DMD? I'll add ahk code and an ini key to use it in the next update, but I'd like to know how most people use it first. -
FPLaunch MOD: Pause and Loading screens...
samwyze replied to samwyze's topic in Content and Support
They should all scale the same, they were created as a single pdf, then certain layers were exported to pngs. Off the top off my head the scale routines should be identical in the ahk. Perhaps best would be for me to replace the crappy low-res graphics with higher res ones. Think they're currently optimized around 1280x800 as thats what my lappy runs at, but I suppose those of you with full scale cabs outnumber us low spec users!