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Everything posted by samwyze

  1. Great work blur, keen to have a read of your script and incorporate, still haven't had any decent time on the pc to play with fp. It's summer holidays over here so spending as much time with the lads as I can In the mean time think I got the focus issues sorted, so should be more consistent across multi pc's. Also moved config settings to the hyperpin settings file so we don't have to recompile when altering keys etc... First post updated to reflect this. Next I'd like to make a gui for the settings.ini (and have fplaunch add default section and keys to ini if they don't exist, save the user typing them in manually.) - DONE After that I'll knuckle into FP, although you might be finished on that side of things by then! @pixelmagic: It should be possible so long as the overlay doesn't grab focus @Rawd: You might want to download the new version, several fixes to do with window focus issues included
  2. OK, that sounds good, will have to install FP today and have a play. Cheers for the help and input
  3. Do you mean FP or VP? Looking at my fplaunch, and the launch line for FP has no min switch? *EDIT* Ignore that-was using my current build, not the one on megaupload. Have been updating script and lost track of which file I upped. Should have the new version up soon
  4. Easy way to 'draw' pause/exit screen in fp would be to take a screenshot using fplaunch, force fp to minimize and draw screenshot with pause overlaid (or exit options). From what I've read so far all of that can be done with ahk scripting, not sure what impact it'd have on resources though, and I know that ahk isn't the best at imaging (flickers a bit, especially when redrawing over a gui element) but all that can be worked around in the long term. Yea, focus is an issue, I know what to fix, just need to be home to do it. Also just realised that the new version of autohotkey has ansi and unicode builds, for our purposes the older ansi based style is going to be better, as that is the version bbb was using originally, and think that's the same for the HyperSpin ahk script.
  5. Glad to hear it shilmover, I'll get you to pm me your FPLaunch.ahk so I can compare, it'd be good to combine and get the most compatible solution we can into the first post. On a side note, what do you guys think of having a seperate FPLaunch_Settings.ini in the settings folder so we can alter the pause key and turn on/off loading/pause/exit features without having to recompile FPLaunch (especially for those without autohotkey installed)?
  6. I had thought about this as well, perhaps a menu from the pause screen with options to return to game or exit to hyperspin menu or some such, easily done, but I'd like to fix the focus issues for chriz99 and shilmover first
  7. fplaunch 1.2 is in post 8 'exit feature' thread here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3062 Shouldn't be affecting the hyperpin browsing as fplaunch should only run when a table is loaded/played. My guess is that it's not closing properly after you play a table, again may be related to a focus issue. Should be leaving here around midday, so I'll try get a fix up tonight (NZ time). That is if I can focus on the screen after the last few days xmas celebrations
  8. These both sound like either vp or hyperpin losing focus, as soon as I'm back home tomorrow I'll look at posting a fix that forces focus where it's needed rather than just relying on windows to shift focus to active windows. Out of interest, what versions of windows are you guys using?
  9. O.k. I'm tied up with the holiday season for the next few days (at my father in-laws), but I'll try and have a look. When you hit the 'p' for pause do you see the pause graphic at all? Basically all the script is doing is splashing the pause image overtop, causing visual pinball to lose focus, thus pause. Could be that I need to force focus with winactivate or issue an esc to vp and hide its escape menu behind the image. It's working for me as is, so I haven't bothered to do much testing
  10. @shilmover: re-uploaded and changed link, please download again. Sorry about that, the original archive was totally messed up, should be all good now @blur: I could look into saving FP tables, at the moment I don't have it installed caused my aging lappy can't hack it, and yeah, reading google translate on spanish is a bit of a challenge
  11. SEE SECOND POST FOR LATEST VERSIONS GREAT WORK BLUR (who has continued and expanded this project) Due to my situation here in Christchurch, New Zealand (sooo many earthquakes ) I have had zero time to work on this, or even check out Blurs new work I've removed the image previews 'coz I have no idea if they're still relevant! Anyway, keep it up guy's, and hopefully I'll get a chance to build a full sized cab and play with fplaunch again someday Anyone that wants the very messy hypersettings code to fix/modify/make relevant, it's here: http://www.autohotkey.net/~dumpster.monkey/HyperPin/HyperFPLaunch/HyperSettings.ahk That is all...
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