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About bombfirst885

  • Birthday 03/24/1983


  • HyperNewbie

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  1. I'm thinking so? This is what I'm looking at.
  2. Okay so I took a break and now I'm on the last steps. I put the proper Mame script into the Emulators folder and followed the directions. When I go into Hyperspin and load the ROM i have I'm getting the error that no emulator was found. This is what I'm seeing in the emulator folder...
  3. I'm stuck on step 19. I made my mame folder in emulators properly and went back over the steps a few times. When I click Global and then emulators I don't see a list. Edit - Nevermind. Had my Global Emulator named Global Emulator.ini. This is confusing in the description as I see someone else stumbled here pages back.
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