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Everything posted by DeeGor

  1. I made a recording of the different type of force feedback in my cabinet (Seimens contactor, pull-type solenoid and pinball knocker @ 24v). You can find it here at the end of the post.
  2. Hey Takedown, I used 18 gauge in my cabinet, and it works just fine. Going with multiple colors is a good idea, and makes the initial wiring a lot easier. I couldn't imagine having everything cabled up with the same color wire.
  3. My artwork was delivered today and it looks great. Many thanks to Lucian, he did a great job with the printing. I would really recommend him to anyone else looking to get their artwork printed.
  4. Nice work Pixelmagic! This thread is exciting to watch. How does the Arduino handle multiple events being triggered at the same time? Let's take for example the square box of LEDs in your video. If you had assigned the same event to a set of drop targets and the ball hit two of them at almost the same time. Would the Arduino queue up the events and play them one after the other, or would it simply stop processing the first and start the second event?
  5. Nice. Looking forward to what you guys come up with.
  6. That's awesome.
  7. Awesome video. It explained everything perfectly. Thanks so much for this.
  8. Works fine for me.
  9. You must be sacrificing virgins to the virtual pinball gods, because I could not get all of my tables completely stutter free, and my machine is fairly high end. I tried pretty much everything suggested in the vp performance thread, but TOM still gives me problems.
  10. Stutter is not a major problem. Just a select few tables have very slight stutter for a few events. 99% of the tables play just fine. IMO, having the devices greatly outweighs the few stutter issues I have encountered. I'm really glad I did it.
  11. I've noticed this myself. I thought I would be completely stutter free if I threw enough hardware at the problem, but even with a core i5 2500k overclocked to 4.6ghz and a GTX 560 TI I still get stutter occasionally on problem tables (ie: TOM captive ball). If I unplug the LEDWiz I don't notice any stutter with the table. Here's hoping that someone will be able to find a solution to the problem.
  12. Awesome. Thanks for all the work you do Blur.
  13. Thanks for all your input Lucian. Your advice has been extremely helpful. Once I finalize the artwork for my cabinet, I will contact you for some printing.
  14. Ahh, ok. Here are the relays I have. I just looked it up and it says they support up to 125AC. These should work fine. Thanks!
  15. I do happen to have some 12v relays, but I didn't think they would work because the solenoids would be using 24v. I figured 24v would be too much for the relays. So does the rating apply to the coil and not the other poles? Unfortunately, the solenoids I have are too much to drive directly from the ledwiz.
  16. Is it possible to use 12v from the ledwiz to trigger a 24v relay? I have 9 devices using 24v and the rest on 12v. I was hoping I could have the 12v on the coil and 24v the other poles.
  17. This guide was extremely helpful, as I knew very little when it came to electrical wiring. Thanks to all for putting this guide together.
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