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Everything posted by rockyrocket

  1. Yep vp is already in compatability mode for nt4 sp5 ( was wondering if this would fix the dmd issue other are getting?) And yes vp loads ok in the background is just does not gain focus.
  2. Some more feedback, with wip4 when launching a vp table i now have the "rendering table" animation stealing focus from the table and have to hit pause twice to give focus to the table. popped wip3 back in and this is fixed again. As i said i am on win 7 so this may be the reason?.
  3. Hi blur so i have unmapped exit from e back to Esc (Esc is code 27 right?) and now short press for pause is bust again here on win 7. Short press works ok in future pinball but not Vp!. This is a shame as i have a noname encoder and have to use keytweak to change entries in the registry for mapping. This works fine except if using vp outside hyperpin i then need to alt tab out to kill it.
  4. Thanks blur, exit is mapped to E, maybe cpu is bit slow (athlon 6000+3ghz), but i am happy with fade set to 25. Was just playing about with settings really.
  5. Hyphycus did you just save the image from the page or download from the links?
  6. Yep thats what i use, its only tranparent in vp though, black background in fp!. To clarify my earlier point if the fade speed is too short then a short press has no effect but a long one exits cleanly.
  7. Hi blur, all working fine here on win7!. I have though observed that if i change the fadespeed value to 15 that this then breaks the "use exit as pause" functionality. This is not a problem for me but may be of interest to others. I also found these two alternative pause screens googling about... http://www.retrovicio.org/foro/showthread.php?11973-Pausa-en-Hyperpin Thanks again for all the hard work!.
  8. Hi, just as some feedback, in that i have not had any error messages on my cab that runs win7 32bit. And also have no issues with hi score screens, but do have taskbar appear for a split second sometimes but its not really an annoyance to me. Thanks again for all the hard work!
  9. I vote to kill all screens, you can always open a table outside hyperpin to troubleshoot any problems. This functionality alongside the dmd mover utility will save a huge amount of time on new installations. I am not sure what if any licence tom spiers released vpauto under (hopes gpl) but if the code is just used as inspiration....
  10. Hi, thanks for the update works great!. In reference to getting rid of the vp nag screens the gameex front end has an app called vpauto that does just that, its launched with each table and works perfectly. Although have not had any luck getting it to play nice with hyperpin , prolly just got the wrong commandline though. Any way thats just food for thought.
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