hypermakemyheadspin installation, here goes nothing.. cant complain for free stuff anyways, thanks. lol
an hour later, fail..
i open hyperspin and it just appears to be a demo? i downloaded and installed git, and the pink turtle thing
did it all to a T, aside from my first emulator i didnt install MAME, i installed NES.. simple and easy enough to add the extensions, point to where the emu is, added some roms in a folder, pointed to them.
another edit: figured out how to go fullscreen at least.
i also noticed in my settings folder "nintendo entertainment system.ini" the path is blank, do i need to manually set the path to the rom?
what confuses me is when I launch HyperSpin, and open the NES part.. its loaded with every game you could image.
where is it scraping that database from? i think i need to delete stuff, then re-add stuff, to test if im configured right.
Just dont understand why it comes pre-loaded with the lists.
edit again: Well i deleted the nintendo entertainment system.xml since that had the ENTIRE list, why does the HQ not automatically create an xml file?
Ive added a new xml file since i got the error "no xml file found" LOL.. i tried to manually add one of the ROMS thats in its directory, by copying the xml of that game.. into the xml for the main nes system. It doesnt say xml not found anymore, but it wont enter when i click on nes, so no games.
im also getting some kind of module errors in Hyperlaunch HQ, i believe it was steem and steem sse something i forget, i deleted alot of the systems, but thats still under global.
guess i'll search for a google video, im missing something so little im sure. this def isnt for the average user.
seems like it could be bundled up for easier installation, but maybe not.
It does LOOk cool enough to hassle with though.
problem is this is just a test install on one of my laptops. LOL im hoping the next two installs on my htpcs will go easier, like copy the whole folders over, maybe just need to reinstall git and the pink turtle guy