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About asdfrewq

  • Birthday 02/02/1988


  • HyperNewbie

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  1. asdfrewq


    Version 0.11


    HyperRemote is a http web remote for HyperSpin and RocketLauncher. HyperRemote allows you to browse, search and launch games from your collection right from your mobile phone or tablet device. Whilst ingame, you may save or load savestates, bring up the multi-game menu of rocketlauncher, or exit your game. HyperRemote utilizes data and media from HyperSpin and RocketLauncher and as such requires that you have both programs installed and correctly set up with all systems successfully launching via RocketLauncher (although HyperSpin doesn't actually need to be running for HyperRemote to work.) HyperRemote uses images and video from your HyperSpin Media directory. For the best experience with HyperRemote, ensure your collection contains wheel images for all games, mp4 videos for all games and game boxart in your artwork3 folder. Installation: Download Remote.zip and extract to your preferred location. Open config.ini and edit your HyperSpin and RocketLauncher paths. You may alter the port value if the default "8888" does not suit you. Run Remote.exe (First time users may receive a notice from their firewall asking to permit access) Point your web browser to: http:// [youripaddress] :8888/ "[youripaddress]" will be the LAN ip address of the system running HyperRemote. This is also shown in the console when launching HyperRemote.
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