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Everything posted by Hyperarikos

  1. Hi to all ..... I'm new to the Site and would like a help ..... I have 8core with 16 ram PC ...... but I have 120 GB SSD ....... The problem is that installers simulators Cannes but you can not run them by HyperLanch ....... when you select NORMAL .... and of course the Path of simulator ...... It turns out I did not find the Path ...... C: \ HyperSpine \ HyperLanch \ MAME \ MAME.xml while there in the second disk D: ...... space reasons !!! Copy and one same in C: with only the xml from the simulators but nothing ... There's no way to build HyperLaynch sees to the second hard ie .... D: \ HyperSpine \ HyperLaunch \ MAME \ MAME.xml
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