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Files posted by nate67000

  1. Good morning, Here is Arcade64 v0.255 
    95 0
  2. good morning, I have created samurai showdown 5 perfect theme and added video
    I haven't made media content in a while here you go. If there is any one out there that good at creating media this on was missing feel free to make it better.
    Thank you and enjoy    
  3. Good morning all, here is another Arcade v0.257 no nag Enjoy
    93 0
  4. Good morning all, here is an updated no nag Arcade64 v0.256 Enjoy 
    100 0
  5. good morning all, here is another Arcade64 no_nag v0.254 
    70 0
  6. Good evening all, sorry for the delay here is arcade64 v0.253 thank you and enjoy
    47 0
  7. good morning all, sorry for the delay, here is arcade64 v0.251 no nag screen
    118 0
  8. sorry for the delay, I had some trouble trying to compiling this one, here is arcade64 no nag version .250
    Thank you for your patience.  Enjoy  
    ok, sorry i just found out that there was no sound in this build im working on it  i'm not sure if I can fix. amy ways i will post it later if I can resolve this issue. 
    sorry false alarm it was something wrong with my pc i have got it fixed. 
    98 0
  9. Good morning all, here is arcade64 v0.249 no nag screen thank you to Agard for helping me with this.
    50 0
  10. Sorry for the delay, here is arcade nag free v0.246

    118 0
  11. corrected this is MAME v0.239 no nag screen not 139 
    25 0
  12. Here is yet another version Arcade64 version 0.242
    Thank you and enjoy🙂
    65 0
  13. good morning all , here i arcade64 build V0.241
    55 0
  14. good  evening I have found an error on my part pertaining to some sound issues I believe if fix it.
    49 0
  15. good evening all, here is yet another Arcade64 updated to v0.140
    8 0
  16. sorry for the delay, here is Arcade64 v0.239 no nag screen
    thank you
    60 0
  17. Good morning all, here is Arcade64 v0.236 no-nag version
    74 0
  18. Sorry for the delay, Here is Arcade64 no nag v0235 enjoy
    76 0
  19. Good evening all, its been a a bit here is an arcade64 no nag
    58 0
  20. good afternoon all, I have compiled Arcade64 no-nag screen
    this will be my last compile for this year🙂, I will be taking a break
    thank you and enjoy.
    91 0
  21. Good evening all, here is mame32 bit version 0.229
    give this a try should work with windows xp 32 bit in theory , Let  me
    let me know if this works if not its back to the drawing board
    any ways, I have tested it on my windows 10 64 bit and it runs, I have compiled it for a 32 bit os  
    96 0
  22. Good evening all, I have just been successful at compiling Arcade32 bit version 0.229
    let me know if this works this is just the binary 
    any who let me know if this works you.
    Thank you and enjoy.
    17 0
  23. here is Mame no nag v0.229
    193 0
  24. Here is arcade64 v0.229 no nag 
    70 0
  25. Good morning all, here is arcade64 v0.228 no nag screen
    57 0
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