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About arngrim

  • Birthday 08/19/1977


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  1. Ah you also...
  2. Boogies2 Here is the answer, Search for showpindmd www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=17916&page=50entry173599
  3. hi Shifters, Ok I have read you comments and the post again, I understand more what I need for my cab hardware wise. Do you know if there's a possibility to use crees at 700ma with the arduino + shield + (current?) driver boards? Regards Arngrim
  4. Hello, I'm still collecting all the stuff I will need for my cab project, which is advancing sloooooowly. So my cab will maybe ready for the end of the year, or more later, I depend from one guy that is doing a lot of different things beside. So I have several possibilities: I don't use toys until this project is finalized, but I don't have an idea when this project can be mature (in about 6 months, 1 year? I don't want to add any pressure, just for my information ) Or I use Ledwiz until, but this stutter issue is bothering me, although I didn't see a Ledwiz cab in real, so I can't estimate the gravity of the problem. By the way, is there a help in this solution use Zebulon booster board cards? Thanks all in advance for your hard work Arngrim
  5. Hi, Any news about this very interesting project?
  6. Well, I am thinking about having a random choosen table in the first table, without the spinning animation, without having to wait the spinning to finish
  7. ok, that's why I put Hyperpin/FPLaunch in my request, because I don't know what would need to be updated How can I raise my request then? Thx
  8. Hello, Here's a little request for Hyperpin/FPLaunch When the emulator starts, it displays the first alphabetical table available. Would it be possible to have a random table displayed instead?
  9. Did you check there? http://nl.mouser.com/search/refine.aspx?Ntk=P_MarCom&Ntt=188193713
  10. You have 6 holes for putting screws on the vishay leds, 4 on the corners and 2 on the middle long sides. I'm doing one rectangle for vishay to sit on the dmd panel and a smaller rectangle to screw it on the panel.
  11. But is it the case for everybody that is running on windows 7 with multiple displays? I'm not sure and if not we need to find out what is different between OS configurations. It was working fine for me in the beginning, and appeared from one day to another, I can't recall if I modified.. I will try when I have time to reinstall Windows 7 without optimizing anything and see.
  12. Hello, I am on Windows 7 and I also have these slow issues in Hyperpin. It lasts 10 seconds to enter HP, and about 20 seconds to quit a table. My main specs are i5 2300 gtx 560 2 gb ddr5, driver 285.61 1 ssd crucial m4 64 go 2 screens with managing 1 screen i don't have this problem but I'll run in a cab soon so I really want to have this fixed before my cab is finished. Tried to change defaults values in the CG menu but it doesn't change much. What else can I try?
  13. Hello, Don't know if it's the right post for my question, I bought the Williams coin door, and I try to understand all the wires in it. What represents the part on the up left corner of the picture below?
  14. Ok, I didn't know that some people used buttons for nudge I forgot to tell I have 3 mercury switches, so I'm covered with. I'll use the magna saves on the second flipper so it's OK. And I will have a Williams coin door, so I'm covered with the buy in and menu services. Thanks
  15. I'll mount my cabinet soon and I'm wondering how many buttons are necessary to run hyperspin with the latest hplaunch, and vp Especially that now that the flyers and instructions card... are available from the "pause" menu. I'l have a coin door with menu services, I need a start button, exit button, launch ball, i won't use a plunger. Do I miss anything?
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