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Everything posted by Spektre99

  1. Hi. I have a question regarding the laminate used. Is it Arlon or Oraguard? Is it Oraguard 210 (which is a 2.5mil laminate) or is it a 3.5 mil laminate? Thanks!
  2. Lucian... The dimension for my cabinet sides are rather irregular and jagged. How is most artwork supplied to you? Do you cut to exact dimensions? Do you usually have some extra to trim on the edges? As an example, here is the side of the cabinet. How would be best to supply the graphics to you? Also regarding color balance, Are small proof sheets available?
  3. Ran into the same problem trying to order the "cabinet shells" that are the title of this thread.
  4. I'm using a Zebuon's booster board which gives 16 high power outputs and 16 low. I am going to use 1W/LED (3W RGB) LEDs. They seem quite bright enough. The high power channels are going for replay knocker x 1, flipper solenoids x 2, other feedback solenoids x 6, RGB flipper buttons and ambient lighting x 3. large fan x1, strobex1
  5. Aha. So no micro, but logic. Gotcha. I knew I had left my white paper on the topic somewhere Thanks.
  6. No, they are designed for fast communications from a cpu like arduino, ledwiz is just a 'dumb' on/off switcher and cannot send fast data as required. Sorry about that. I must not understand the seperation of your hardware. IS there a microprocessor on your driver board? I thught the arduino resided on your "blade" board. What prevents the driver from general purpose use? It is not just an amplifier?
  7. Do the driver boards require the arduino, or can it be used to power higher loads directly from the LEDWiz?
  8. So, in general, the side art should be around 10000x4000 minimum to 15000x6000 maximum?
  9. Be careful. The VISHAY orange part number that ends in the -1, such as the one at Future, are "normal brightness". Without the -1 it is high brightness. I assume we want high brightness? Spektre
  10. Thanks. The OP stated the decals were printed in 720dpi. I was assuming the source images, optimally, were being supplied in this resolution.
  11. Just curious for those of you that have gone this route, where in the world do you get a 720dpi x 50inch = 36000 pixel wide images??
  12. What is heating up Zeb? The MOSFETs?
  13. Just a quick design review... Is that PCB really laid out to handle 16A? Just the jumper alone looks suspect...
  14. Where can I read up on how this is done? I get the Arduino programming. What traps ROM events and how are they provided to other applications (ie this and LEDWiz)? Thanks, Spektre
  15. I appreciate the input, but for me the gameplay is king. I'd rather do away with blinkers and wire the contactors up directly than suffer the hiccups.
  16. Thanks for the detailed discussion gents. I had planned on an LEDWiz in my cabinet, but now think I will skip it. I'd prefer no stutter to a few LEDs in the cabinet. Spektre
  17. Any pointers as to what the wood surface should be primed with prior to applying the decals? Primer? Sizing?
  18. Thanks for the reply Jack, If I still wanted to use the lockdown bar mechanism how would I do that? I assume I'd need to find someway to affix the mechanism to this bar (ie welding?). How is your method attached to the cab? With screws to keep it from sliding off with the glass? Spektre
  19. Jack, Do the custom lock bars actually include the underneath hardware that "locks them down? How do they attach to the cab? Spektre
  20. Is this product/project dead?
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