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Everything posted by neohusky

  1. The link to the manual in the first post is broken.
  2. My soldering skills are rather poor. I'd prefer a complete and tested board.
  3. Are u asking for a USB "hub" on the board that Pixel is designing which connects to the Arduino?
  4. This solution certainly looks like it will take over and be the preferred option in the future. I and several others are in a similar position to you takedown. At the speed things are moving I'd be surprised if we don't see something in a 'beta' stage in the next few months. That being said, the arduino solution requires the multiplexing and driver boards. Pixel has worked his 'magic' and designed the boards tonhis credit. I feel that he will be overwhelmed with requests for these (myself included) when this goes a little more public so I'm not sure how this will be handled. In the meantime I have commenced buying all my toys including an LEDWIZ. My current thinking is to wire the cab using fuses and terminate everything on terminal blocks which can easily accommodate a change from LEDWIZ to the PIXELWIZ
  5. I agree! Rather than suggesting the best option I think references and links to the different options would benefit ppl in allowing them to pick a solution that best suits their budget,needs and capabilities. With permission of the appropriate forum 'experts' photos of installs would be great.
  6. It would have certainly made for a very messy day
  7. Anyway...back on topic. The guide is coming along nicely. As someone who is spending more time getting their head around everything it is certainly a valuable reference. The schematic is a brilliant touch showing how everything interconnects and communicates with LEDWIZ and the IPAC. The only suggestions i've got for further enhancement would be to continue expansion on detail of the toys (contractors,knocker,wiper etc). Additional details for the newbie that would be useful would be their role in the grand scheme of things and maybe comments on positioning (eg contactor locations) and maybe include some install photo examples.
  8. James squires is nice. I got stuck into the local Little creatures- Pale Ale and Bright Ale over Xmas for a change from the usual European imports.
  9. Others on this forum don't have that problem. You need to swap the VBs for the lighter German beers
  10. This is progressing very quickly. My Arduino arrived yesterday and most of the toys are on their way. I'll have to grab some driver boards soon and start playing.
  11. Sounds like we just added Cbus to our cabs: http://www2.clipsal.com/cis/technical/product_groups/cbus Your a genius pixel! Keep the updates coming, you've got us all drooling.
  12. Thanks for the advice.
  13. Long term I see your solution as a better one. Would you suggest getting the LEDwiz anyway to make life easier to start with and then swap it out with the Arduino and your boards in future? Lastly, given the PWM capabilities of the Arduino and your board is the Dual bridge from Wolfsoft required?
  14. Hi I'm planning my build and would like to start playing with some hardware in the hope that I can build it based on your multiplexed solution? I was just wondering whether this Arduino from ebay would get the magic started? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Arduino-Mega-AVR-ATmega1280-16AU-USB-board-USB-/160656250278?pt=AU_Components&hash=item2567dbd5a6#ht_4410wt_995 Also, I'm looking at Wolfsoft's offer. Your WIP solution would obviously mean that bundle 2 wouldn't be necessary ie LEDwiz. I'd like to know whether a dual bridge would be required (bundle1) with an Arduino and your future multiplexed solution or whether all I'd need would be a Wolfsoft shaker. Cheers
  15. Me too! I've had many sleepless nights reading posts and planning my build around LEDWIZ and now this! Just like everyone else I'm keen to see how this plays out in the coming months. If these are offered for sale I'm certainly in line.
  16. I've been lurking for ages whilst building my arcade can. I'm edging closer to completion whilst at the same time drooling over all these awesome pin cabs. This is certainly something that I'll be keeping a close eye on as I plan my pin project over the coming months. Keep up the awesome work.
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