schmucm Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 I followed the guide at and used the latest HyperSpin and RocketLauncher. Everything loads fine (roms, themes, etc.) except when I select a rom, nothing happens. I know the roms are good because I can launch them all directly from MAME. There are no error messages. I have found forums that talked about this issue and the solution was always update to the latest version. I am already on the latest version (HypeSpin v1.3.3 and RocketLauncher v 1.0). Has anyone run into this or have a solution? When I hit enter, the mouse very briefly has the blue Windows loading circle appear next to it but then it quickly disappears. Occasionally I can get it to start one rom, but if I back out of it and try selecting another one, it doesn't work. Is there anything I can check to try and get it to launch properly? I have found the same issue asked over at NewsCentral and the Reddit Mame forum so I'm glad it's not just me having this issue.
ghutch92 Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 First we need to narrow it down to what is causing your issue. To do this we will need some information. To verify hyperspin is working, you will need to post your hyperspin log (same folder as hyperspin.exe). To verify that rocketlauncher is working, you need to post you rocketlauncher troubleshooting log. If the logs don't reveal anything then it is most likely an emulator problem or a security problem. How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
schmucm Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 I wasn't able to upload the RL Log ("You do not have permissions to upload this type of file.") so it is pasted below. The HS Log is attached as requested. I looked through it and didn't see anything that failed. The Windows account is the admin and I have tried running HS as the administrator (the right click option) but that didn't seem to matter. Edit: The original RocketLaunch log that was in here was removed due how long it made the thread and it's lack of usefulness. A troubleshooting log is attached later in this thread. log.txtFetching info...
ghutch92 Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 You need to set your logging level to troubleshooting for rocketlauncher and try to create the error again. How to set your logging level to troubleshooting - Thanks How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
schmucm Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 I have updated the logging to troubleshooting like the walk through, ran the program again, and attached the html debug export. RocketLauncher.htmlFetching info...
ghutch92 Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 That's better thanks. I noticed there is an issue with RocketLauncher using the wrong frontend plugin in your log. Fix this and if it doesn't work post the new log it created. Open your RocketLauncher folder now look for the RocketLauncherUI folder open it and then open RocketLauncherUI.exe Look for the big tab on the right with the RocketLauncherUI image and click on it. Now look for a smaller tab called "Frontends" beneath the row of big tabs and click on it Click the green + under the small tabs and add a new frontend (here you can add different frontends like gamex or kodi). In the popup window titled Add Frontend:for the first blank, set the name to HyperSpin for the second blank, Click the Magnifying glass to the right and locate your HyperSpin.exe application. (C:\HyperSpin\Hyperspin.exe would look like ..\..\HyperSpin.exe) for the RocketLauncherUI plugin, choose Hyperspin in the dropdown box. for the RocketLauncher plugin, choose Hyperspin in the dropdown box. click on the button that looks like a blue floppy disk to save, if the button is not available just click the red x button to close and save the window. Highlight the HyperSpin frontend item in the list you just added and:click on the button that looks like a folder with a thumbtack (bulletin board pin) to set HyperSpin as your default frontend. (default frontend means RocketLauncherUI will always start up with this frontend) click on the button that looks like a robot terminator red eye to set HyperSpin as the active frontend. (active frontend means the frontend that you are currently working on in RocketLauncherUI) Look in the left near the top of the RocketLauncherUI main window for the words "Select a System" under it you should see a button that looks like two green arrows making a circle. Click on the circular green arrows button to refresh the systems list to match the active frontend. How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
schmucm Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 The HyperSpin frontend was already created. I attached a screenshot to verify. It was not set as the active or default so I have done that per your instructions. Same results. HyperSpin starts up fine, I can scroll through all the roms, but they do not start when I hit enter (I have checked the input to ensure 'Enter' is select). Roms can still be run straight from MAME so those are good. What's weird is once in awhile it will start a game but when I exit it, it cannot start another one. One hit wonder. This does not occur every time though. Usually it doesn't do anything.
ghutch92 Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 Thank you for following the instructions. Now I will need you to repeat this one hit wonder scenario and upload both of the log files this generates. The log files are only good for the most recent session. So every time you start the programs the log files are overwritten. Can you also post a screenshot of the processes tab in task manager (ctrl + shift + escape to bring it up). I specifically want to see if either the rocketlauncher process is still running or if the emulator is still running. Do this when it fails to start after the first time. How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
schmucm Posted June 26, 2015 Author Posted June 26, 2015 So I found how I can get the 'one hit wonder.' I need to kill the HyperLaunch task. I can still only run a rom once though. I have attached a picture of after the rom starts and is running (running), after I exit the rom (after running), and when I try to run it again (not running). Like before, I "do not have permission to upload" the type of file for the Rocklaunch log so I'll paste it in here. I'll remove it once you view it. Again, if I kill the HyperLaunch process, I can start a rom again. But once I exit that rom, I cannot start another rom without killing the HyperLaunch process. Edit: Code has been removed to condense the thread. If it is needed, I'll put it back. log.txtFetching info...
ghutch92 Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 It looks like you are still using the included hyperlaunch instead of rocketlauncher. In your HyperSpin folder, we are gonna do some manual ini editing . Open your Settings folder in your HyperSpin folder C:\HyperSpin\Settings. Find the file named Settings.ini, open it in notepad. you should see at the top a line that reads [Main]. Right up under the [Main] line add the path to your Rocketlauncher folder make sure you include the ending slash. For example mine looks like Hyperlaunch_Path=C:\RocketLauncher\ . Download this Hyperspin and RocketLauncher Compatibility and extract it into the same folder as RocketLauncher.exe. Run the contained executable once and a new file should appear named HyperLaunch.ini. Open it and set your path to your HyperSpin.exe (for example C:\HyperSpin\HyperSpin.exe or ..\HyperSpin\HyperSpin.exe). How to Install HyperSpin and more RocketLauncher HyperSpin Startup Script
schmucm Posted June 27, 2015 Author Posted June 27, 2015 That seemed to be the issue! Not sure how HyperLaunch was ever set. This was a new install with the new RocketLauncher. It's not like I was upgrading an existing system. Thank you so much for your help. You've been awesome.
bigsingerdawg Posted July 20, 2015 Posted July 20, 2015 Hey Ghutch I'm having a similar issue but for Sega Genesis and pretty much everything else. When I launch a rom - Hyperspin will just sit there and open up RLUI. It's weird I tried what you suggest above but ultimately nothing is getting roms to play in hyperspin 1.4 they only open up RLUI, no idea what to do next
runey71 Posted July 26, 2015 Posted July 26, 2015 I must be doing something wrong. I followed the fix (or at least I think I did). It still seems like HyperLaunch is being used and sometimes (not always) its process has to be stopped before another game can be started.My path in settings.ini is Hyperlaunch_Path=F:\HyperSpin\RocketLauncher\My path in HyperLaunch.ini is HyperSpin_Path=F:\HyperSpin\HyperSpin.exePath to HyperSpin.exe is F:\HyperSpin\Path to RocketLauncher is F:\HyperSpin\RocketLauncher\Any help would be appreciated.[EDIT] I was indeed doing something wrong LOL Changed my path in settings.ini to Hyperlaunch_Path=F:\HyperSpin\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe and all is good with the world.Thank you, thank you, thank you
acjgoblu Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 I've done everything here and am still having issues - any clue what I could be doing wrong? I just installed in January 2016, so I know everything is relatively up to date (at least well past the switchover to RocketLauncher). As far as I can tell, there is no setting or configuration that even points to HyperLaunch within my ini files, and yet it always starts up with the first game I open and gets stuck open upon close. I tried moving my HyperLaunch exe file out of the HyperSpin folder, and then when I try to open a game within HyperSpin, it gives me the "HyperLaunch.exe cannot be found" message, so it's clearly still trying to look for it somehow. I just cannot for the life of me figure out why it's looking for it. Any thoughts?
acjgoblu Posted April 20, 2016 Posted April 20, 2016 Yes, that is all correct, and I'm still having the same issue. I downloaded the HyperSpin/RocketLauncher compatibility zip and did that as well - no change. Any other thoughts or things I can try? I just can't figure out what could be pointing HyperSpin to HyperLaunch at all... Thanks for any help!
johnprobe Posted June 13, 2016 Posted June 13, 2016 Hi. This problem still exist for me. I've setup HS1.3.3 as per instruction but the hyperlauch error still persists. I ve ran the compatability fix issue and no change. No too keen to try 1.4 if this version wont work. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks
johnprobe Posted June 14, 2016 Posted June 14, 2016 I tried a new setup from scratch and still the same problem. My settings.ini file in Hyperspin is .. [ Main]Hyperlaunch_Path= C:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exeMenu_Mode=multiSingle_Mode_Name=MAMEEnable_Exit_Menu=trueEnable_Exit=trueExit_Default=yesExit_Action=exitVersion=\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\[Resolution]FullScreen=false ........etc etc... My HS RL compatability file fix is [Required]HyperSpin_Path=C:\HyperSpin\Hyperspin.exe I'm running XP. Does anyone have an ideas? Is there a new HS setup tutorial apart from Any help would be appreciated.
johnprobe Posted June 14, 2016 Posted June 14, 2016 Thanks for that. The latest is that I'm running 1.4 and my big problem was I kept running Hyperlaunch to see if my problems got fixed ...they didn't but then again the problem isn't present if I use RL. So, I'm using that and after addressing the database error [ by setting HS to my default front end] everything is fine. All good. Thanks for the support. I am now moving down off DEFCON 1 and hope to be at DEFCON 3 by teatime.
SelTheDon Posted February 2, 2017 Posted February 2, 2017 Morning all, I am having the same issue where HyperLaunch would stick in the processes folder which would make me unable to launch any game on any system. I tried the above compatibility fix but that's just made things worse. I'm now getting this error (see below photo).I don't have RocketLauncher, I was hoping that the fix would be for HyperLaunch but alas it's kicked my ass and now I'm stuck! Please help!
wmoecke Posted February 23, 2017 Posted February 23, 2017 Hi fellas, I'm a newbie here at the HS forums and this is my very first post ever in the HS universe. I've read through this thread and some others, basically I've got started in setting up my personal HS installation when I've hit that very same snag: Using HS with HyperLaunch + JoyToKey for configuring my arcade joystick settings to control HS UI - I could go all the way 'till starting a game in MAME; it would work only once - then after exiting the emulator (ESC) and being thrown back at the HS UI, it would no longer respond to the ENTER key (although all other keys remain working). So I started reading through this thread, and by the middle I figured it would require me to add this RocketLaunch application to the pan. Being of a programming background, I am a lazy person by definition. So usually being an adept of the 'KISS' principle, I'd need a compelling reason for me to agree with that. Like other users before me already had, I noticed that the HyperLaunch.exe process would not exit after an emulator had beet shut, and not even after quitting HS. It would be stuck in my processes list. Through some testing I noticed that it was responsible for the emulators not being launched more than once (once the process was active in memory, it would not allow other instances of that same process to spawn). I decided to go through the various files contained in my HS installation folder in search of what could possibly be lauching this app (and perhaps a way to force close it after each emulator is closed). I've encountered a file named 'HyperLaunch.ahk' which I later found out it is of a "AutoHotKey" application type. Fortunately, its contents are nothing more than a set of commands (or instructions, if you will) simply written in a text format - Good. I also found this file contains a section for each emulator. After this it was a matter of minutes for me to find out the section that corresponds to the emulator I was testing my joystick with (namely, MAME) and study the instructions contained within that section. So this is what I found: ;*************************************MAME************************************** else if (systemName = "MAME" && executable = "mame.exe") { hideDesktop() Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, CloseProcess Runwait, %executable% %romName%, %EmuPath%, Hide UseErrorLevel Process, waitClose, %executable% exitapp } I first stumbled at the 'exitapp' command and intuitively, I imagined it would be a command for the AHK script to terminate itself at the end of the execution of the instruction set; however, it wasn't really working, was it (otherwise we wouldn't be here)? Note the line immediately above that one: Process, waitClose, %executable% It made sense to me - this probably tells the AHK runtime to close the callee process (in this case, mame.exe). So I figured, why can't I replace the %executable% variable with some hard coded image name (such as say, "HyperLaunch.exe", perhaps)?? So immediately below that line, I wrote: Process, waitClose, HyperLaunch.exe I started HS and went to MAME, then selected a game, then exited - and upon hitting the button mapped to the ENTER key, voilá, it worked again. And again. And again. And again... and again and again, and... again again. OK, I fixed the issue - so I figured, if this instruction was placed in other sections, it would also prevent other emulators from misbehaving. So using my favorite text editor (Notepad++) I performed a search for 'exitapp' in order to locate all instances of that term for replacing with the above command to force close HyperLaunch upon exiting every emulator. To my surprise I found there were instances where the command was typed 'exitapp' while others where it was typed 'ExitApp'. Interesting. I wondered if the type case would make a difference. Turns out it does!! So the correct syntax for the exit app command is 'ExitApp' (camel case) and not 'exitapp' (all lowercase). With that, the HyperLaunch process will no longer be stuck in memory, auto exiting after each emulator started. And it would then no longer interfere with the ENTER key mapping in your joystick. Some guy who wrote that script (I downloaded it off the interwebs along with my HS package) needs a slap in the wrist for not paying attention to that important detail...
jfp Posted February 24, 2017 Posted February 24, 2017 I had a similar issue with the latest demul 7 not exiting :/ CloseProcess: FadeOutStart() If (demulShooterEnabled = "true") { DemulShooterExe.Close() } emuPrimaryWindow.PostMessage("0x111", "40085") ; Stop emulation first for a clean exit TimerUtils.Sleep(5) ; just like to give a little time before closing emuPrimaryWindow.PostMessage("0x111", "40080") ; Exit KeyUtils.Send("!{F4}") Return As you can see i added KeyUtils.Send("!{F4}") to the end of CloseProcess and all is well.. It sends an Alt F4
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