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5 files

  1. I've fact checked the entire database for accuracy of the <manufacturer> field, and this is the result. Five new games have been added. I've been given the ok to release this as official.
    List of some of the changes:
    Top Gear Rally - Publisher is Midway instead of Kemco
    Electro Brain changed to Electro Brain Corp (as per their logo)
    Changed games released under 'Acclaim Sports' sub label instead of Acclaim
    Changed games released under Activision O2 (Tony Hawk Pro Skater Series) sub label instead of Activision
    Starshot - Space Circus Fever - box label says Infogrames Entertainment, changed to reflect that
    NBA Live 2000 - EA Sports instead of Konami
    Mindscape Inc. changed to Mindscape Entertainment (the label they used on this platform)
    F1 World Grand Prix II (Europe) - Changed publisher from Nintendo to Video System
    Diddy Kong Racing - Changed publisher from Nintendo to Rareware (says 'published by Rareware' right on the box)
    All games developed by Rare and published by Nintendo, changed from Nintendo to Rareware/Nintendo (because Rareware was a huge presence and deserves to be acknowledged)
    Changed Rare Ltd. to Rareware (as per their logo)
    All games published by Nintendo with the name of the developer on the box, changed to (developer)/Nintendo.
    Changed Donkey Kong 64 from Rare Ltd. to Rareware/Nintendo (was officially published by Nintendo, even though it has the Rareware logo)
    All instances of Ubisoft changed to Ubi Soft Entertainment (as per their logo during the N64 era)
    F1 Racing Championship changed from Ubisoft to Ubi Soft Entertainment/Video System (has both logos, Ubi Soft Entertainment developed the game and published it in Japan, while Video System published it in Europe)
    UFO Interactive changed to UFO, as per their logo (I don't like unnecessary additions like "Co." and "Inc.", these things should only be added if the company used it in their logo during the era of the platform)
    Finally, I added 5 games. I went through romhacking.org's N64 translations section, and added four of the games that are playable. The other two I couldn't get to work, and if I can't, I doubt anyone else can. The four games are:
    1. Bomberman 64 (Japan) (Translated En) - Japan got an exclusive 'Bomberman' title that was released in 2001, which is different from the 'Baku Bomberman' (Bomberman 64 in the USA). Translation works great in Retroarch/Parallel core.
    2. Chameleon Twist (Japan) (Translated En) - Japan got a superior version of this game, and someone translated it. Has extra features not in the USA version. Works with RetroArch/Parallel core.
    3. Densha de Go! 64 (Japan) (Translated En) - A train simulator. Works in Project 64 only, and you have to fiddle with some emulation settings to make it work (game conifg, change from recompiler to interpreter)
    4. Wonder Project J2 - Josette of the Corlo Forest (Japan) (Translated En) - This game has some weirdness. After the initial story fades out, the game actually seems to freeze. There's nothing you can do except reset or end the emulation. But when you go to play the game again, your file will be there, and when you load it, the game will start. I don't know if this is perhaps the way it is on real hardware. But regardless, the game is working and playable.
    5. Tetris 64 (Japan) (En) - This game is fully in English without having to patch anything. It is published by Seta and is different from any of the USA Tetris games.
    I added CRCs to all the new games I added.
  2. A small update to the N64 development database. I added CRC values that were missing for the Japanese games and added the following translations:
    Animal Forest (Doubutsu no Mori) (Translated En by Zoinkity) new, aka. Animal Crossing, I left the Japanese title in  Bomberman 64 (Japan) (Arcade Edition) (Translated En by Zoinkity) replaces Bomberman 64 (Japan) (Arcade Edition) Chameleon Twist (Japan) (Translated En by Zoinkity) different gamplay from the international version Densha de Go! 64 (Japan) (Translated En by Zoinkity) I left the untranslated Japanese version in because I did not playtest it, I currently only run RetroArch and that crashes on this Note: I only gave credit to the translator in the description, the game name will just have '(Translated En)'
    All CRCs I added are based on the Doctor V64 format (Technically speaking: byte-swapped big-endian), that the rest of the datfile seems to have been generated from. Personally I do prefer the Mr. Backup Z64 format, since that uses the native byte order (plain big-endian), meaning when you open the file in a hex editor you can read the cartridge title without twisting your mind  Incidentally that is also the fileformat you need to use when you apply the translation patches to the original ROMs.
    Translation patches come from: RomHacking.net
    When you need to convert ROMs to the appropriate format, I suggest you try ucon64 which is kind of  swiss army knife 
  3. Hi,
    This database includes 87 games for Japan only N64. I used Wikipedia and a 4 year old HS post by Keith_Loving to put this list together. I included English translations for some of the games. I will upload my themes too.
    I hope you enjoy.
  4. Nintendo 64 - Database (XML)
  5. This database was created from GoodN64 3.14 and GoodMerge (to prevent dupe)
    Roms are choosen by this order of importance :
    1: (F) french
    2: (E) europe
    3: (UE) usa europe
    4: (JE) japan europe
    5: (W) worldwide
    6: (U) usa
    7: (JU) japan usa
    8: (J) japan
    9: other (K) korean, (CH) chinese, (G) german, etc...
    Removed :
    (PD) public domain
    More to come (Sega Genesis, Sega 32x, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo Game Boy and Nintendo Game Boy Advance)...
    To be continued...

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