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System Default Themes

10 files

  1. System Default Theme for Sega Mega Drive Japan
  2. Default theme Sega Mega Drive (16:9)
  3. Here I bring you a ALTERNATIVE THEME BASED ON THE FUTURE ARCADE 4 FUN MEDIAPACK SYSTEM LAUCHING IN THE NEXT DAYS, I just assembled the mega drive MSU system, which, like the super nintendo, are taking advantage of its virtues to launch these wonders with CD sound. I am still in the creation period, but here I bring you a preview so that you can integrate it. Also in the video you can see the use of the reflexive shader by Hyperspacemadness
    Aqui os traigo un THEME ALTERNATIVO BASADO EN EL FUTURO MEDIAPACK DE ARCADE 4 FUN  QUE SE LANZARÁ EN PROXIMOS DIAS, acabo de montar el sistema MSU de mega drive, que al igual como el de super nintendo, están aprovechando sus virtudes para ir lanzando estas maravillas con sonido CD. Todavía estoy en periodo de creación, pero aquí os traigo un adelanto para que podáis ir integrándolo.Tambien en el video podéis ver el uso del reflexive shader por Hyperspacemadness.

  4. Here I bring you a ALTERNATIVE THEME BASED ON THE FUTURE ARCADE 4 FUN MEDIAPACK SYSTEM LAUCHING IN THE NEXT DAYS, I just assembled the mega drive MSU system, which, like the super nintendo, are taking advantage of its virtues to launch these wonders with CD sound. I am still in the creation period, but here I bring you a preview so that you can integrate it. Also in the video you can see the use of the reflexive shader by Hyperspacemadness
    Aqui os traigo un THEME ALTERNATIVO BASADO EN EL FUTURO MEDIAPACK DE ARCADE 4 FUN  QUE SE LANZARÁ EN PROXIMOS DIAS, acabo de montar el sistema MSU de mega drive, que al igual como el de super nintendo, están aprovechando sus virtudes para ir lanzando estas maravillas con sonido CD. Todavía estoy en periodo de creación, pero aquí os traigo un adelanto para que podáis ir integrándolo.Tambien en el video podéis ver el uso del reflexive shader por Hyperspacemadness.

  5. Here I bring you a ALTERNATIVE FADE BASED ON THE FUTURE ARCADE 4 FUN MEDIAPACK SYSTEM LAUCHING IN THE NEXT DAYS, I just assembled the mega drive MSU system, which, like the super nintendo, are taking advantage of its virtues to launch these wonders with CD sound. I am still in the creation period, but here I bring you a preview so that you can integrate it. Also in the video you can see the use of the reflexive shader by Hyperspace madness
    Aqui os traigo un FADE ALTERNATIVO BASADO EN EL FUTURO MEDIAPACK DE ARCADE 4 FUN  QUE SE LANZARÁ EN PROXIMOS DIAS, acabo de montar el sistema MSU de mega drive, que al igual como el de super nintendo, están aprovechando sus virtudes para ir lanzando estas maravillas con sonido CD. Todavía estoy en periodo de creación, pero aquí os traigo un adelanto para que podáis ir integrándolo.Tambien en el video podéis ver el uso del reflexive shader por Hyperspacemadness.

  6. Inspired by a few themes out there a few months ago I created a Mega Drive 2 theme incorporating the cart going into the system. 
    I also went through for my self and renamed box art to suit USA roms for mega drive box scans and a limited amount of carts I could find, which was a bigger undertaking than you would expect given the many name changes for releases. I then realised after that no one seems to have put together a euro mega drive cart art collection (if you know of anywhere to find one let me know) otherwise it's something i'll look into in the future if I have time.
    I realise this is imperfect and impure solution, but basically i'd like to have my cake and eat it too - using the USA versions of roms with the European (specifically Australian in my case) artwork. As i've renamed the artwork I've kept a list with titles that were renamed for Euro/NA release with an intention to later edit the xml to show both the USA and EUR release names.
    So yes this "project" is sort of half complete at this point, ultimately there is still majority genesis cart art sliding into a Mega Drive 2 which is annoying (although many carts are indistinguishable of region when they are in the system so it's not noticable), but I figured I would share now while I have some time in case this is valuable to anyone. 
    Another option is to just use the theme without cart art if you prefer. I changed the size of my cart art to 142*94.
    Carts and box art now included.
    Artwork 2 folder for boxart and Artwork 3 folder for cart art.
    Here is the game text colour and location information, paste this into the [games text] section of your settings ini file if you would like it to match the image. I don't use the default special art so you won't find much room left here for it. Feel free to edit to your own tastes.
    [Game Text]
    *Edits - I've included my own cart pack which is sized down to suit the theme and filtered from some cart packs here on the site so I just wanted to credit those below.
    - Re-uploaded this theme into the correct section and separated it from the Main Menu theme. This was one of my first uploads and I failed to put stuff in the correct place so I'm correcting that now. You can find my Main Menu theme linked below.
    - Added renamed and resized Mega Drive boxarts, see the version notes below for details. Copy the provided box arts into your Artwork 2 folder and overwrite any existing Genesis art. You will need to find genesis box art for the boxes not provided.
    - Added a newer brighter theme as an alternate and changed the header to MD 2 style logo.
  7. Theme Dafault - SEGA MEGA DRIVE JAPAN - (16:9)
    See my other posts!!!
  8. Sega Mega Drive Default Theme, based on Ol'Room from ES and Attract.
    I haven't seen any around, and maybe someone will like it.
    Happy Holidays !
  9. Default Theme do sistema Sega Mega Drive 16:9
    Note: Use the Box in the artwork2 folder!
  10. Sega Mega Drive 4:3 system theme. The carts drop into the system.
    I included the carts and the box art with the theme
    cart size 194 x 123

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